


\caption{\textbf{Subjective Freedom and Preferences for Redistribution - Alternative Instruments}\label{table8}} 
&\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Fst Stage}}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Snd Stage}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{LL}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\rho$=0}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Obs.}}\smallskip \\
 &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{First Lag SF}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Second Lag SF}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Settler}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Genetic}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{SF}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Fairness}}& & &\\
 &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{(Country Average)}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{(Country Average)}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Mortality}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Distance}}&& &&&\\
\hline \noalign{\medskip}
1. Using second lag of SF &0.017***&0.013**{\textcolor{white}{*}}& & &0.010***&0.188***&-46,770.27&-0.071***&98,673 \medskip \\
2. Using rate of settler mortality &0.071***& &-0.018***&  &0.010***&0.180***&-50,073.15&-0.035***&98,673 \medskip \\ 
3. Using genetic distance &0.083***& &-0.016***&-0.051*** &0.010***&0.181***&-49,175.98 
&-0.038***&98,673 \medskip \\
4. Using latitude &0.003*{\textcolor{white}{**}}& & & &0.010***&0.208***&-65,841.53 
&-0.073***&98,673 \medskip \\
5. Endogenous SF &0.015***& & & &0.010***&0.208***&-210,549.47  
&-0.068***&98,673 \\
\multicolumn{10}{l}{\footnotesize Notes: ***, ** and * denote significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\%, respectively. In model 1, we include the second lag of subjective freedom as a country average. In model, reported in row 2, we add the log of settler mortality to the first lag of subjective freedom. In model 3, we augment model 2, by adding the log of genetic distance. In this case, we use US as reference country. In model reported in row 4 we drop the continent dummy and we include the (log) of latitude, measured as the distance of capital city to the Equator. Finally, in model 5 we endogeneize subjective freedom using the lag of average SF in a country. }\\
\multicolumn{10}{l}{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses}\\








example image


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\caption{\bfseries Subjective Freedom and Preferences for Redistribution  Alternative Instruments}
% header
& & Using second lag of SF & Using rate of settler mortality & Using genetic distance & Using latitude & Endogenous SF \\ 
\multirow{5}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{1st Stage}} & First Lag SF\newline\tiny{Country average} & & \\
    & Second Lag SF\newline\tiny{Country average} & & \\
    & Settler Mortality & & \\
    & Genetic Distance & & \\ \midrule
\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{2nd Stage}}    & SF & & \\
    & Fairness & & \\ \midrule
    & LL & & \\
    & $p=0$ & & \\
{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses. \\
\textbf{Notes:} ***, ** and * denote significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\%, respectively. In model 1, we include the second lag of subjective freedom as a country average. In model, reported in row 2, we add the log of settler mortality to the first lag of subjective freedom. In model 3, we augment model 2, by adding the log of genetic distance. In this case, we use US as reference country. In model reported in row 4 we drop the continent dummy and we include the (log) of latitude, measured as the distance of capital city to the Equator. Finally, in model 5 we endogeneize subjective freedom using the lag of average SF in a country.}



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    \caption{Subjective Freedom and Preferences for Redistribution – Alternative Instruments}\label{table8}
    \begin{tabular}{>{\refstepcounter{rownum}\eqmakebox[R][r]{\therownum.}\hskip\labelsep}lS S *{2}{S[table-format=-1.3]}*{2}{S}S[table-format=-6.2,table-space-text-post={}] S[table-format=-1.3] S[table-format=5.0, table-space-text-post={}]}
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{}&\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{First Stage}}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Second Stage}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{LL}}& {\boldmath $\rho = 0$} &{\bfseries Obs.}\\
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {\thead{First Lag SF & & & & & & & & \\(Country Average)}} &{ \thead{Second Lag SF\\(Country Average)}} & {\thead{Settler\\Mortality}} & {\thead{Genetic\\Distance}} & {\thead{SF}} & {\thead{Fairness}}& & &\\
      Using second lag of SF & 0.017*** & 0.013**{\textcolor{white}{*}} & & & 0.010*** & 0.188*** & -46 770.27 & -0.071*** & 98673 \medskip \\
      Using rate of settler mortality & 0.071*** & & -0.018*** & & 0.010*** & 0.180*** & -50073.15 & -0.035*** & 98673 \\
      Using genetic distance &0.083***& &-0.016***&-0.051*** &0.010***&0.181***&-49175.98
      Using latitude &0.003*{\textcolor{white}{**}}& & & &0.010***&0.208***&-65841.53
      Endogenous SF &0.015***& & & &0.010***&0.208***&-210549.47
      &-0.068***&98673 \\
      \item[]Notes: ***, ** and * denote significance at 1\,\%, 5\,\% and 10\,\%, respectively. In model 1, we include the second lag of subjective freedom as a country average. In model, reported in row 2, we add the log of settler mortality to the first lag of subjective freedom. In model 3, we augment model 2, by adding the log of genetic distance. In this case, we use US as reference country. In model reported in row 4 we drop the continent dummy and we include the (log) of latitude, measured as the distance of capital city to the Equator. Finally, in model 5 we endogeneize subjective freedom using the lag of average SF in a country.
      \item[] Standard errors in parentheses

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