我第一次使用 TikZ,正在创建流程图。我想为 LPC、HPC、HPT 和 LPT 插入一些梯形,如下图所示。问题是,如果我简单地用box
\tikzset{turb/.style={draw, trapezium, thick, rotate=90, minimum height=1em, minimum width=6em}} %HPT and LPT
\tikzset{compr/.style={draw, trapezium, thick, rotate=-90, minimum height=1em, minimum width=6em}} %LPC and HPC
\tikzset{box/.style={draw, rectangle, rounded corners, thick, text width=6em, text centered, minimum height=3em}}
\tikzset{line/.style={draw, thick, -latex'}}
\tikzset{combustor/.style={draw, ellipse, thick, minimum height=30pt, minimum width=50pt}}
\tikzset{turb/.style={draw, trapezium, thick, rotate=90, minimum height=1em, minimum width=6em}} %HPT and LPT
\tikzset{compr/.style={draw, trapezium, thick, rotate=-90, minimum height=1em, minimum width=6em}} %LPC and HPC
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,scale=0.6, every node/.style={scale=0.6}]
%place nodes
\node [box] (dev2) {Deviatore 2};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of dev2] (HPC) {HPC};
\node [combustor, right=0.5cm of HPC] (Comb) {Combustore};
\node [box, right=0.5cm of Comb] (HPT) {HPT};
\node [box, right=0.5cm of HPT] (LPT) {LPT};
\node [box, right=0.5cm of LPT] (nozzle1) {Nozzle 1};
\node [box, left=0.5cm of HPC] (LPC) {LPC};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of LPC] (dev1) {Deviatore 1};
\node [box, right=0.5cm of dev1] (bypass) {Bypass};
\node [box, right=0.5cm of bypass] (nozzle2) {Nozzle 2};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of dev1] (fan) {Fan};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of fan] (diffusore) {Diffusore};
%draw path
\path [line] (diffusore) -- (fan);
\path [line] (fan) -- (dev1);
\path [line] (dev1) -- (bypass);
\path [line] (bypass) -- (nozzle2);
\path [line] (dev1) -- (LPC);
\path [line] (LPC) -- (HPC);
\path [line] (HPC) -- (dev2);
\path [line] (dev2) -| (HPT);
\path [line] (HPC) -- (Comb);
\path [line] (Comb) -- (HPT);
\path [line] (HPT) -- (LPT);
\path [line] (LPT) -- (nozzle1);
\path [line] (dev2) -| (LPT);
\caption{My first flowchart}\label{fig:flowchart}
不要使用 ,而要rotate=90
使用选项shape border rotate=90
在您的 MWE 的帮助下,我尝试重现您的草图:
在其中我使用了 Alenanno 的建议来旋转节点形状并采取了一些其他措施来使代码尽可能紧凑:
- 对于节点之间的线,
我使用选项 join。它省去了我在那些节点之间画线的时间。 - 为了消除不存在的行连接线,我
在节点的前言部分添加了连接选项的定义。使用的是节点“Deviatore 2”。此解决方案取自@user3188445 的答案这里。 - 在节点定位时使用库
。因此,对于在线的节点,没有必要说left= of >node name>
- 对于涡轮机和压缩机,定义了通用样式,并指定了其方向的参数
- 节点之间的距离定义为公共距离
node distance=7mm
% \usepackage{caption}
% \usepackage[margin=25mm,showframe]{geometry}
% \begin{figure}[htb]
node distance = 7mm,
every path/.append style = {draw=teal!30!black, very thick},
font = \sffamily,
start chain = going right,
base/.style = {draw, align=center},
box/.style = {rectangle, base,
%rounded corners, on the sketch are not present
text width=6em, minimum height=3em,
join=by -latex',on chain},
comb/.style = {ellipse, base,
minimum height=30pt, minimum width=50pt,
on chain},
turb/.style = {trapezium, base,
shape border rotate=#1,
minimum width=4em,
on chain}, %HPT and LPT
%from below to top
\node [box] (diff) {Diffusore};
\node [box, above=of diff] (fan) {Fan};
\node [box,above=of fan] (dev1) {Deviatore 1};
\node [box] (bypass) {Bypass};
\node [box] (nozzle2) {Nozzle 2};
\node [turb=270,above=of dev1] (lpc) {LPC};
\node [turb=270] (hpc) {HPC};
\node [comb] (Comb) {Combustore};
\node [turb=90] (hpt) {HPT};
\node [turb=90] (lpt) {LPT};
\node [box] (nozzle1) {Nozzle 1};
\node [box,reset,
above=of hpc.bottom left corner -| hpc.east]
(dev2) {Deviatore 2};
(dev1) edge (lpc)
(lpc) edge (hpc)
(hpc) edge (Comb)
(Comb) edge (hpt)
(hpt) edge (lpt);
\draw[-latex'] (hpc.top left corner) -- (dev2);
\draw[-latex'] (dev2) -| (lpt.bottom right corner);
\draw[-latex'] (dev2) -| (hpt.bottom right corner);
% \caption{My first flowchart}
% \end{figure}