Longtable 和表格列表 - 如何在编号前添加“表格”?

Longtable 和表格列表 - 如何在编号前添加“表格”?

我正在使用模板来完成我的Msc论文,一切都很好,直到我使用 longtable 在多个页面中创建表格。


\caption{The Sandish Chaos Report - Project Success Factors \cite{Chaos2015}}
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Project Success Factors (\% of Responses)} \\ \hline
\ 1. & User Involvement & 15.9\% \\ 
\ 2. & Executive Management Support & 13.9\% \\ 
\ 3. & Clear Statement of Requirements & 13.0\% \\ 
\ 4. & Proper Planning & 9.6\% \\ 
\ 5. & Realistic Expectations & 8.2\% \\ 
\ 6. & Smaller Project Milestones & 7.7\% \\ 
\ 7. & Competent Staff & 7.2\% \\ 
\ 8. & Ownership & 5.3\% \\ 
\ 9. & Clear Vision and Objectives & 2.9\% \\
\ 10. & Hard-Working, Focused Staff & 2.4\% \\ 
\ 11. & Other & 13.9\% \\ 




现在,使用 LONGTABLE,我得到以下结果:

\label{table:Excessive Communication}
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Excessive Communication} 
\\ \hline
\cellcolor{gray!15} Dimension:   
\\ \hline
\cellcolor{gray!15} Description:   
\multicolumn{2}{|p{12.0cm}|}{There's no common ground between team members and this affects the quality of communication.}
\\ \hline
\cellcolor{gray!15} Desired Behavior:  
\multicolumn{2}{|p{12.0cm}|}{Team members must have a similar language for working together.} 
\\ \hline
\cellcolor{gray!15}Game Element
\cellcolor{gray!15} Example
\\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Excessive Communication}
\\ \hline
\cellcolor{gray!15}Game Element 
\cellcolor{gray!15} Example
\\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
Cascading Information Theory
Information about the project could be released in minimum snippets for the team, helping them to achieve similar level of understanding.
Very useful in the beginning of a project, you can create a presentation about the project in small chapters, where team members will go further only after completing each chapter.
\\ \hline




我尝试了一些我搜索过的方法,但都不起作用。我想要做的是将所有列表设置为“表 XX - Loren Ipsum 等等


% Redefinindo o comando interno do LaTeX para formatar legendas,
% para incluir 'Figura' ou 'Tabela' ao lado do número de cada uma
% nas listas de figuras e tabelas.
  \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
   %{\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
    {\csname #1name\endcsname\nobreakspace\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname\hfil\nobreakspace--\nobreakspace}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par








\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{\tablename\ } % Insert `Table before Table number in `LoT`
\addtolength{\cfttabnumwidth}{20pt} % Increase the width of the box reserved for the table numbers. 


\caption{David's table} \tabularnewline
  David & Carlisle \tabularnewline

  Another & Table \tabularnewline
  \caption{Another table}










  \caption{The Sandish Chaos Report - Project Success Factors
    Chaos2015 -- The Sandish Chaos Report - Project Success Factors
  % \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{%
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Project Success Factors (\% of Responses)} \\ \hline
    \ 1. & User Involvement & 15.9\% \\ 
    \ 2. & Executive Management Support & 13.9\% \\ 
    \ 3. & Clear Statement of Requirements & 13.0\% \\ 
    \ 4. & Proper Planning & 9.6\% \\ 
    \ 5. & Realistic Expectations & 8.2\% \\ 
    \ 6. & Smaller Project Milestones & 7.7\% \\ 
    \ 7. & Competent Staff & 7.2\% \\ 
    \ 8. & Ownership & 5.3\% \\ 
    \ 9. & Clear Vision and Objectives & 2.9\% \\
    \ 10. & Hard-Working, Focused Staff & 2.4\% \\ 
    \ 11. & Other & 13.9\% \\ \hline

%    \captionsetup{width=14cm}
    \label{table:Excessive Communication}
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Excessive Communication} 
    \\ \hline
    \cellcolor{gray!15} Dimension:   
    \\ \hline
    \cellcolor{gray!15} Description:   
    \multicolumn{2}{|p{12.0cm}|}{There's no common ground between team
      members and this affects the quality of communication.}
    \\ \hline
    \cellcolor{gray!15} Desired Behavior:  
    \multicolumn{2}{|p{12.0cm}|}{Team members must have a similar
      language for working together.}
    \\ \hline
    \cellcolor{gray!15}Game Element
    \cellcolor{gray!15} Example
    \\ \hline
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!15}Excessive Communication}
    \\ \hline
    \cellcolor{gray!15}Game Element 
    \cellcolor{gray!15} Example
    \\ \hline
    \hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
    Cascading Information Theory
    Information about the project could be released in minimum
    snippets for the team, helping them to achieve similar level of
    Very useful in the beginning of a project, you can create a
    presentation about the project in small chapters, where team
    members will go further only after completing each chapter.
    \\ \hline





对我有用的是将此命令添加到 tex 主文件:

