

为了符合我的数学书中使用的惯例,我希望定理、引理、定义等从左/右边距缩进。用“\begin{adjustwidth}{.6cm}{.6cm}”包裹定理会导致文本之间的顶部/底部间距不同。我可以通过调用 /vspace 来纠正这个问题,但这似乎有点笨拙。有没有更好的格式化方法,还是我只能调用 \vspace?


\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools,amssymb,amscd,amsthm,amstext}

% Redefine theorem style
\newtheoremstyle{mytheoremstyle} % name
    {\topsep}                    % Space above
    {\topsep}                    % Space below
    {\itshape}                   % Body font
    {\parindent}                 % Indent amount
    {\bfseries}                  % Theorem head font
    {.}                          % Punctuation after theorem head
    {0.5em}                      % Space after theorem head
    {}                           % Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning ‘normal’)

   This theorem looks correct, but I haven't applied any indentation. 
   It follows the indentation of the document.
   This theorem has had indentation applied and the result is different
   spacing above and below it.





\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools,amssymb,amscd,amsthm,amstext}



% Redefine theorem style
\newtheoremstyle{mytheoremstyle} % name
    {\topsep}                    % Space above
    {\topsep}                    % Space below
    {\itshape}                   % Body font
    {\normalparindent}           % Indent amount
    {\bfseries}                  % Theorem head font
    {.}                          % Punctuation after theorem head
    {0.5em}                      % Space after theorem head
    {}                           % Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning ‘normal’)

   This theorem looks correct, but I haven't applied any indentation. 
   It follows the indentation of the document.
   This theorem has had indentation applied and the result is different
   spacing above and below it.



这是环境的一个普遍问题theorem重新定义为amsthm) 被用作 . 后面的第一个元素(环境中\item有一个隐藏元素)。这深入探讨了 LaTeX 对列表的管理。\itemadjustwidth

与其修补theorem,我建议在此对 进行破解adjustwidth,这可能足以满足您的文档,但可能会产生我尚未尝试发现的后遗症。 已完成etoolbox\apptocmd作为商品。


\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools,amssymb,amscd,amsthm,amstext}

% Redefine theorem style

\newtheoremstyle{mytheoremstyle} % name
    {\topsep}   % Space above
    {\topsep}   % Space below
    {\itshape}                   % Body font
    {\parindent}                 % Indent amount
    {\bfseries}                  % Theorem head font
    {.}                          % Punctuation after theorem head
    {0.5em}                      % Space after theorem head
    {}                           % Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning ‘normal’)


% HACKING \adjustwidth

   This theorem looks correct, but I haven't applied any indentation. 
   It follows the indentation of the document.
   This theorem has had indentation applied and the result is with similar
   spacing above and below it as in previous theorem.



我对这个问题进行了更深入的研究,似乎theorem包中的环境的这个“特性”(错误行为?)可以通过使用但不使用标准(或者更确切地说)amsthm来解释 。宏取代了它,并且缺少常规的某些条件测试:没有部分。amsthm\trivlist\item\@item\deferred@thm@head\@item\if@noparitem \@donoparitem \else ...


  \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi % eject a section head if one is pending

基于 LaTeX 内核模型,重新定义为\@item

  \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi % eject a section head if one is pending

theorem我观察到,如果环境被用作 中的第一个元素,那么使用修补后的宏将不会有额外的空白行\item。修补效果实际上甚至抑制了 由 添加的默认垂直空间theorem,所有垂直空间责任都落在周围列表的肩上(如果有的话)(在 的情况下adjustwidth,这意味着基本上没有额外的垂直空间)。因此,这只是一个提议,但它允许将垂直间距的设置完全委托给周围的列表环境。然后我们可以通过列表环境控制左右边距等……

