如何轻松且“安全”地将我的 Beamer 演示文稿(幻灯片)转换为如下所示的精美 Beamer 海报?:
(问题与此不同:是否可以将 beamer 演示文稿直接转换为 a0 海报?)
海报是一种与幻灯片不同的信息组织方式,因此很难进行转换。您需要重新考虑布局、插图和措辞(顺便说一句,我认为您的 Beamer 演示文稿中的文字太多了)。
也就是说,你选择的模板(Jacobs Landscape Poster,http://www.latextemplates.com/template/jacobs-landscape-poster) 使用起来相当简单 - 只需将您自己的代码插入模板即可。投影仪框架变成海报块,仅此而已。最小的非工作示例:
\title{Categorification of Higman's Lemma\\Admits Applicability and Constructive Proof} % Poster title
\author{Julian Rachman} % Author(s)
\institute{West High School} % Institution(s)
Higman's Lemma, a special case of Kruskal's Tree Theorem, provides fascinating results in the areas of combinatorics, logic, and theoretical computer science. [...]
Higman's Lemma is concerned with the preservation of well-quasi-orderedness over the construction of ordered algebraic structures. It was first introduced by Higman in his main theorem concerned with abstract algebras equipped with quasi-orders and later became an important statement in combinatorics and theoretical computer science where it was narrowed down to the following concise theorem:
\begin{theorem}[Highman's Lemma]
If $\leqslant$ is a \textit{wqo} on $A$, then $\preccurlyeq$ is a \textit{wqo} on $A^*$.