使用 titlesec 管理小页面内 \section 周围的间距

使用 titlesec 管理小页面内 \section 周围的间距



\newcommand\Vhrulefill{\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}

            Some content for the first section
        \section{One More Section}
                \item Item 1
                \item Item 2
        \section{Another Section}
            Some text outside of a list here
        \section{Last section}
                \item One here
                \item One more
            Some content for the first section
        \section{One More Section}
                \item Item 1
                \item Item 2
        \section{Another Section}
            Some text outside of a list here
        \section{Last section}
                \item One here
                \item One more



当我尝试使用 进行调整时\titlespacing,它不会影响所有部分


以下是 3 种解决方案

  1. 使用包 multicols中的环境multicol在此处输入图片描述


\newcommand\Vhrulefill{\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}

 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more


 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more
  1. 使用parbox命令 在此处输入图片描述


\newcommand\Vhrulefill{\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}

 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more
 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more
  1. 解决办法minipage似乎是我们无法启动迷你页面,\section所以我们使用\(空格)或~ 在此处输入图片描述


\newcommand*\mt{\vskip-\expandafter\thirdoffive\ttls@section\ }
\newcommand\Vhrulefill{\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}

 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more
 Some content for the first section
\section{One More Section}
   \item Item 1
   \item Item 2
\section{Another Section}
Some text outside of a list here
\section{Last section}
    \item One here
    \item One more
