\item A=\lbrace a_{ij}\rbrace: \textrm{the state transitions probability matrix as} \quad a_{ij}= P \left[ q_{t}=S_{j}\vert q_{t-1}=S_{i}\right]\quad \\ \textrm{with} \quad 1\leq i \leq N ; j\leq N; 0\leq a_{i}{j}\leq 1;\sum_{j=1}^{n} a_{ij}=1;\textrm{N denotes the model states number; t is the time;} q_{t} \textrm {shows the state of the model at t (a given instant) with} \quad 1 \leq t \leq T \quad \textrm{;T represents the observation sequence length; S denotes all the states set;}
\item B=\lbrace b_{j}(k)\rbrace: \textrm{presents the observation \\symbols probability matrix with}\quad b_j(k)= P \left[O_{t}=V_{k} \vert q_{t}=S_{j}\right] \textrm{and}\quad 1\leq j \leq N ; 1 \leq k \leq M \textrm{;M is the various observation} \\\textrm{symbols number;} O_{t} \textrm{denotes the symbol of observation at (t) a given instant;}\\ V= \left \{ V_{1}\ .. \ V_{K}\right\} \textrm{shows all possible symbols of observation set;}
\item \pi = \lbrace \pi_{i} \rbrace \textrm{:denotes the initial state distribution with} \pi_{i}= P \left[ q_{1}=S_{i}\right] \textrm{and}\quad 1 \leq i \leq N.
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$(A,B,\pi)$ having:
\item $A=\{a_{ij}\}$: the state transitions probability
matrix as $a_{ij}= P[ q_{t}=S_{j}\mid q_{t-1}=S_{i} ]$ with
$1\leq i \leq N$; $j\leq N$; $0\leq a_{i}{j}\leq 1$; $\sum_{j=1}^{n} a_{ij}=1$;
$N$ denotes the model states number; $t$ is the time; $q_{t}$ shows the
state of the model at $t$ (a given instant) with $1 \leq t \leq T$;
$T$ represents the observation sequence length; $S$ denotes all the states set;
\item $B=\{b_{j}(k)\}$: presents the observation symbols probability
matrix with $b_j(k)= P[O_{t}=V_{k} \mid q_{t}=S_{j}]$ and $1\leq j \leq N$;
$1 \leq k \leq M$; $M$ is the various observation symbols number; $O_{t}$ denotes
the symbol of observation at $t$ a given instant; $V=\{ V_{1}\dots V_{K}\}$
shows all possible symbols of observation set;
\item $\pi = \{\pi_{i}\}$: denotes the initial state distribution with
$\pi_{i}= P[q_{1}=S_{i}]$ and $1 \leq i \leq N$.