

我试图写下我的算法,并假装我写了 Foreach 循环。否则没有命令\Foreach。以下我的程序无法执行。我还使用了包\usepackage{algpseudocode}\usepackage{algorithm}

  \caption{Algorithm for generating atn.json file}
    \Statex \Comment { \textbf{Input:} ListofOrderedSelectedJobs, testDuration, beginDate, endDate, MapDeviceTranmissionTime, \textbf{Output:} atn.json
   \For{\textbf{each} selectJob \textit{in} ListofOrderedSelectedJobs \textit{do}} 
        \If {selectJob \textit{contains} Adevice \textit{then} \textit{addAll} Adevices}
    \Statex\Comment{ \%comment: Do the same process for group B, C and D devices\%}
        \If {$selectJob == 'U'$ \textit{then}}
        \For{\textbf{each} device \in choosenDevice \textit{do}}
    \State  MapDeviceTranmissionTime.put(device,beginDate)  
    \Statex\Comment{ \%comment: Put begin test date for each device and store that value in the map\%} 
    \If {$selectJobType == 'Z'$ \textit{then}}
        \If { randomTransmissionDate \textit{exists} \textit{then} readRandomExecutionDate() }
        \Else { addRandomExecutionDate()}
        \If { $selectJobInterval \leq testDuration$ \textit{then}}
        \State $times = testDuration / selectJobInterval$
        \State $times = (testDuration / selectJobInterval) + 1$
    \For{$i = 1$ to times \textit{do}}
        \If {$selectJob == 'U'$ \textit{then}}
        \For{\textbf{each} device \in choosenDevice \textit{do}}
        \State timesDate = timesDate + Interval 
        \State MapDeviceTranmissionTime.put(device,timesDate) 
        \Statex\Comment{ \%comment: Create URL string and encode it by using timesDate date\%}
    \If {$selectJobType == 'Z'$ \textit{then}}
        \If { randomTransmissionDate \textit{exists} \textit{then} readRandomExecutionDate() }
        \Else { addRandomExecutionDate()}






  \caption{Algorithm for generating atn.json file}
    \Statex{\Comment{\textbf{Input:} ListofOrderedSelectedJobs, testDuration,
      beginDate, endDate, MapDeviceTranmissionTime; \textbf{Output:}
    \ForAll{selectJob $\in$ ListofOrderedSelectedJobs}
      \If{selectJob \textit{contains} Adevice}
        \textit{addAll} Adevices
        \Statex\Comment{\%comment: Do the same process for group B, C and D devices\%}
      \If{$selectJob == 'U'$}
        \ForAll{device $\in$ choosenDevice}
          \State MapDeviceTranmissionTime.put(device,beginDate)
          \Statex\Comment{\%comment: Put begin test date for each device and store that value in the map\%}
          \If{$selectJobType == 'Z'$}
            \If{$\exists$ randomTransmissionDate}
              \State readRandomExecutionDate()
              \State addRandomExecutionDate()
      \If{ $selectJobInterval \leq testDuration$}
        \State $times = testDuration / selectJobInterval$
        \State $times = (testDuration / selectJobInterval) + 1$
      \For{$i = 1 \to times$}
        \If {$selectJob == 'U'$}
          \ForAll{device $\in$ choosenDevice}
            \State timesDate = timesDate + Interval
            \State MapDeviceTranmissionTime.put(device,timesDate)
            \Statex\Comment{ \%comment: Create URL string and encode it by using timesDate date\%}
            \If{$selectJobType == 'Z'$}
              \If{$\exists$ randomTransmissionDate}
                \State readRandomExecutionDate()
                \State addRandomExecutionDate()

Overleaf 上的演示
