

不幸的是,我还无法创建完整的 MWE,因为我的文档的真实内容受版权保护,并且使用盲文不会产生奇怪的错误。




在没有 MWE 的情况下,是否有任何方法可以确定为什么某些页面会偏移?


编辑 1:我添加了完整的序言以提供更多信息。附加说明:移位与章节或小节的开头无关。



%% Open a read-channel for later use

%% Packages for pagelayout and borders/margins of the whole document

%% Package for nice vertical spacings between the lines

%% Begin of magic to indent all body but no headings
\renewcommand*\sectionlinesformat[4]{ \ifstr{#3}{}{}{\hspace*{-\LeftMargin}}#3#4}
\usepackage[  headwidth=\the\textwidth+\LeftMargin:-\LeftMargin:    \LeftMargin,footwidth=\the\textwidth+\LeftMargin:-\LeftMargin:\LeftMargin]{scrlayer-scrpage}
%% End of magic

%% Define how deep the numeration in the document should be.
%% Define how deep the numeration in the table of contents should be.
%% Print paragraphs and subparagraphs not in bold
\setkomafont{paragraph}{\normalfont \underline}
\setkomafont{subparagraph}{\normalfont \underline}

\usepackage{tabularx} %package for table on 1st page
\usepackage{longtable} %package for table that is longer than one page

%% Using .eps-images

%% Define new columntype for centered output in tabularx/tabu environments

\usepackage{pgfplotstable} %package for automated csv-table-creation
\usepackage{pgfplots} %see above
\usepackage{colortbl} %allows coloring in tables
\usepackage{color} %allows creation of custom colors
\definecolor{lightergray}{RGB}{242,242,242} % define a color for later use
\definecolor{mediumgray}{RGB}{191,191,191} % define a color for later use
\usepackage{booktabs} %enables some nice formatting options in tables
\usepackage{hhline} %% Alternative horizontal line for tables

%% Standard typeset settings

%% Package for using external pdf pages

%% allows better page layouts
\pagestyle{scrheadings} %same as above

%% Use of standard units

%% Define customized pagenumbering, might be obsolete
%% Let each section start on a new page

%% Creation of header/footer
\clearscrheadfoot    % footer/header layout happens below here

\usepackage{tikz} %needed for some magic
\usepackage{forloop} %needed to create multiple looped outputs
\usepackage{xparse} %needed to be able to calculate with integer values

\usepackage{sansmath} %load font for math without serifs
\sansmath %set all mathfont to the sansmath font

%% Create variable for later use
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\eval}{m}{\int_eval:n {#1}}

%% This should be the last entry

%Define a default counter for forloops and pgfmarks





和往常一样,错误是由粗心的编程引起的。在我的文档中的某些位置 - 在表格中实现自定义垂直间距之前 - 我使用了该\setstretch{}命令。此命令显然也会影响页眉/页脚中的垂直间距,因此始终存在问题。删除它并在整个文档中使用恒定的垂直间距解决了该问题。

