

我正在尝试将包含四个子图的大型图形放入我的文档中。整个图形接近分页符,因此我决定通过 拆分图形\ContinuedFloat。以防万一,可以将图形的后半部分移到下一页。








    \newcommand{\see}[1]{\cref{#1}, \cpageref{#1}}
    \newcommand{\sees}[2]{\crefrange{#1}{#2}, \cpagerefrange{#1}{#2}}

There ist a huge amount of text, but I omitted it, because I was too lazy to type so many sentences.\par
There is some text and more text.\par

    \caption[short heading for the figure with subfigures]{Something like a heading for this figure containing subfigures}
\subcaptionbox[short caption, first subfigure]{long caption, first subfigure\label{fig:1A}}{\includegraphics[height=7cm]{ExampleA.jpg}}
\subcaptionbox[short caption, second subfigure]{long caption, second subfigure\label{fig:1B}}{\includegraphics[height=7cm]{ExampleB.jpg}}

\subcaptionbox[short caption, third subfigure]{long caption, third subfigure\label{fig:1C}}{\includegraphics[height=7cm]{ExampleC.jpg}}
\subcaptionbox[short caption, fourth subfigure]{long caption, fourth subfigure\label{fig:1D}}{\includegraphics[height=7cm]{ExampleD.jpg}}

Here is some text in between all these figures. 
    \caption{a figure with a wrong number}

At the end there are some cross-references to these pictures. Since they are floating, it is not really at the end, but that is tolerable for now.\\



使用 KOMA-Script 类\captionabove在组内使用并删除\vspace{1em}

    [short heading for the figure with subfigures]
    {Something like a heading for this figure containing subfigures}%



  \newcommand{\see}[1]{\cref{#1}, \cpageref{#1}}
  \newcommand{\sees}[2]{\crefrange{#1}{#2}, \cpagerefrange{#1}{#2}}

There ist a huge amount of text, but I omitted it, because I was too lazy to type so many sentences.\par
There is some text and more text.\par

      [short heading for the figure with subfigures]
      {Something like a heading for this figure containing subfigures}%
    [short caption, first subfigure]
    {long caption, first subfigure\label{fig:1A}}
    [short caption, second subfigure]
    {long caption, second subfigure\label{fig:1B}}

    [short caption, third subfigure]
    {long caption, third subfigure\label{fig:1C}}
    [short caption, fourth subfigure]
    {long caption, fourth subfigure\label{fig:1D}}

Here is some text in between all these figures. 
  \caption{a figure with a wrong number}

At the end there are some cross-references to these pictures. Since they are floating, it is not really at the end, but that is tolerable for now.\\


附录 2016-04-24(由 Axel Sommerfeldt 编写)


计数器通常在 处递增\caption(而不是 处\begin{figure})。虽然这个简单的规则仅适用于通常的标题,但如果有子标题,则会使所有这些变得更加复杂,因为一个图形中可以有零到 N 个标题,并且\subcaptionbox(或subfigure环境)必须知道它属于哪个\caption。否则,\ref子标题会产生错误的结果,并且图形列表中的列表条目也会不正确。因此,当有子标题时,figure(或table)计数器有时会在标题处递增,有时会在子标题处递增。为了正确增加计数器,figure子标题必须知道它是属于它前面的主标题,还是属于它后面的主标题。

关于您的情况:\caption通常意味着\captionbelow在文档中使用 KOMA-Script 类,因此第一个\subcaptionbox会额外增加图形计数器,假设它属于\caption其后的(未来)。因此,将通过使用\captionabove代替\caption(或\captionbelow)来修复此问题:这样\subcaptionbox就知道它属于\caption其前面的(过去)排版,这样它就不会再增加计数器了figure





  \caption[short heading for the figure with subfigures]
    {Something like a heading for this figure containing subfigures}
  \subcaptionbox[short caption, first subfigure]
    {long caption, first subfigure\label{fig:1A}}
  \subcaptionbox[short caption, second subfigure]
    {long caption, second subfigure\label{fig:1B}}



可能你更好的选择是要么改变类,因为问题与 KOMA 类有关,要么\caption在浮动结束时发出。我强烈建议采用最后一个选项,即说

  \subcaptionbox[short caption, first subfigure]
    {long caption, first subfigure\label{fig:1A}}
  \subcaptionbox[short caption, second subfigure]
    {long caption, second subfigure\label{fig:1B}}
  \caption[short heading for the figure with subfigures]
    {Something like a heading for this figure containing subfigures}

因为 1)您将标题放在图像下方的单个浮点数中(因此这是一个一致性的问题),2)您不应该在截止日期附近更改类别,3)这绝对是最干净的解决方案。


请参阅@esdd 的回答,了解 KOMA 内的干净解决方案。
