

在此处输入图片描述在此处输入图片描述我的图表列表和表格列表中存在一些问题。它显示为表 1.1 表表名我无法理解表 1.1 之后这个额外的“表”来自哪里。此外,这个额外的文本与后面的标题重叠。在代码中有\include{front}- 前面是我的文档,其中包含所有确认、摘要和内容。我把代码放在那里\listoftables


\documentclass[11pt,          % font size: 11pt or 12pt
               ms,           % degree:    ms or phd
               onehalfspacing % spacing: onehalfspacing or doublespacing

%%------------------------------ Import Packages -----------------------------%%

\usepackage{booktabs}  % professionally typeset tables
\usepackage{textcomp}  % better copyright sign, among other things
\usepackage{lipsum}    % filler text
\usepackage{subfig}    % composite figures

%use the following line with plainnat
%\usepackage[super,sort&compress,comma,square,numbers]{natbib} %\cite command %Added by Ortiz

%sorting=nyt,firstinits=true,isbn=false,doi=false,url=false]{biblatex} %couldn't get backend=biber to work



            hyperref=true, %    
            maxnames=2, %for et al to be used
            maxalphanames=1, %to avoid printing a + for every et al in the abbreviation



%\AtEveryCitekey{\ifciteseen{}{\defcounter{maxnames}{99}}} %authoryear          









%\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts} %amssymb and amsfonts cannot be used in conjunction with mdput
%\usepackage{graphicx,subfig}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
%\usepackage{hyperref}% add hypertext capabilities
%\usepackage{hypernat}% make hyperref and natbib work together
\usepackage{verbatim}% multiline commenting
\usepackage{graphicx} %eps figures can be used instead

\robustify{\DateMark} % after having loaded abbrevs

\usepackage{units} %Needed to solve bug from citation Hydrodynamics in 21/2 dimensions
%see http://www.latex-community.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=989

\usepackage[sharp]{easylist} %used for brainstorming purposes 
%\usepackage{mathabx} % used for \Asterisk for convolution %conflicts with \widering

%compile on single pass


%%%Fancy tables

%\setcounter{tocdepth}{5} %may violate ETD
%Usage http://pleasemakeanote.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-activate-subsubsubsection-in.html
%\section{} % level 1
%\subsection{} % level 2
%\subsubsection{} % level 3
%\paragraph{} % level 4 - equivalent to subsubsubsection
%\subparagraph{} % level 5



{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

%De�fines a \FloatBar�rier com�mand, be�yond which floats may not pass; use�ful, for ex�am�ple, to en�sure all floats for a sec�tion ap�pear be�fore the next \sec�tion com�mand.

%%%Hack for centering all figures

%%---------------------------- Formatting Options ----------------------------%%

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% Disposition format -- any titles, headings, section titles
%%  These formatting commands affect all headings, titles, headings,
%%  so sizing commands should not be used here.
%%  Formatting options to consider are
%%     +  \sffamily - sans serif fonts.  Dispositions are often typeset in
%%                    sans serif, so this is a good option. 
%%     +  \rmfamily - serif fonts
%%     +  \bfseries - bold face
%\dispositionformat{\sffamily\bfseries}   % bold and sans serif
\dispositionformat{\bfseries}            % bold and serif

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% Formatting for centered headings - Abstract, Dedication, etc. headings
%%  This is where one might put a sizing command.
%%  \MakeUppercase can be used to typeset all headings in uppercase.
\headingformat{\large\MakeUppercase}   % All letters uppercase
%\headingformat{\large}                % Not all uppercase
%\headingformat{\Large\scshape}        % Small Caps, used with serif fonts.

%% Typographers recommend using a normal inter-word space after
%% sentences. TeX's default is to add an wider space, but \frenchspacing
%% gives a normal spacing. Comment out the following line if you prefer
%% wider spaces between sentences.

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%%  Optional packages
%%    A number of compatible packages to improve the look and feel of
%%    your document are available in the file optional.tex 
%%    (For example, hyperlinks, fancy chapter headings, and fonts)
%% To use these options, uncomment the next line and see optional.tex
%solve bug from fancyhdr in optional

%%---------------------------- Content Options -------------------------------%%
%% Size of committee: 3, 4, 5, or 6 -- this number includes the chair

%% Members of committee
%%  Each of the following member commands takes an optional argument
%%   to specify their role on the committee.
%%  For co-chairs, use the commands:
%%      \cochairI{Doug Dodd}
%%      \cochairII{Chris Cox}
\chair{Dr. Mesut Baran}
\memberI{Dr. David Lubkeman}
\memberII{Dr. Ning Lu}
%\memberIII{Chris Cox}   % unnecessary if committeesize=3
%\memberIV{Fred Ford}    % unnecessary if committeesize=3 or 4
%\memberV{Edna Everitt}  % unnecessary if committeesize=3, 4, or 5

%% Student writing thesis, \student{First Middle}{Last}
\student{Shashwat}{Singh} % a full middle name
%\student{John M.}{Smith} % a middle initial

%% Degree program
\program{Masters of Science - Electrical Engineering}

%% Thesis Title
%%  Keep in mind, according to ETD guidelines:
%%    +  Capitalize first letter of important words.
%%    +  Use inverted pyramid shape if title spans more than one line.
%%  Note: To break the title onto multiple lines, use \break instead of \\.
%\thesistitle{A North Carolina State University Sample \LaTeX{} Thesis \break 
%with a Title So Long it Needs a Line Break}
\thesistitle{Cost Benefit Analysis of FREEDM System}

%% Degree year.  Necessary if your degree year doesn't equal the current year.

%%---------------------------- Personal Macros -------------------------------%%

%% A central location to add your favorite macros.

%% A few examples to get you started.




%This makes it so that you can add short paths in your .tex by including the folders where you store your images in the search path

%% Capital letter height
\addtolength{\chapterfootskip}{0.5ex}  % A little extra space to ensure there are 2 full double spaced lines
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}


                       -\abovecaptionskip -\belowcaptionskip
                       -(12pt * #1) % assuming baselineskip of 12pt in caption


%landscape support in fancyhdr from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/9071/how-to-translate-and-rotate-the-heading-of-landscaped-pages
    \tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \node[outer sep=1cm,above,rotate=90] at (current page.east) {\thepage};}




\newgeometry{margin=1in,lmargin=1.25in,footskip=\chapterfootskip, includehead, includefoot}

%%  Bibliography 

%%  You can use the bibitem list.
M.E. Baran (2011)
\newblock {\it Smart distribution system research and education at the FREEDM Systems Center},
Power and Energy Society General Meetings, San Diego, CA.

%\bibliographystyle{plainnat}%plainnat is necessary to enable the use of citet. Natbib style file.
 \setlength\bibitemsep{11pt} %22pt = 2*11pt, where fontsize is 11pt
 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{{\uppercase{\bibname}}} %\textorpdfstring and \uppercase needed due to hyperref package http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=16601
}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{11pt}{\bf\filcenter}


% Appendices
\newgeometry{margin=1in,lmargin=1.25in,footskip=\chapterfootskip, includehead, includefoot}




