如何将 tikzpictures 排成一行?

如何将 tikzpictures 排成一行?

目前我有 8 张不同的图片,我想把它们分成 2 行,每行 4 张(每行 4 张图片)。这些 tikzpicture 也有箭头,我想去掉它。


    \item The number of nonisomorphic simple graphs with 2 vertices is 2
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (12.9,-27.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (27.2,-27.4) circle (3);

    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (12.7,-27.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (27.2,-27.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (15.7,-27.4) -- (24.2,-27.4);
    \fill [black] (24.2,-27.4) -- (23.4,-26.9) -- (23.4,-27.9);
    \item The number of nonisomorphic simple graphs with 3 vertices is 8
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (38.4,-10) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.2,-23.4) circle (3);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (31.38,-20.74);
    \fill [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (32.19,-20.26) -- (31.3,-19.8);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (33,-23.27) -- (43.4,-22.83);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (42.58,-22.36) -- (42.62,-23.36);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (39.9,-11.2) -- (44.92,-20.09);
    \fill [black] (44.92,-20.09) -- (44.97,-19.15) -- (44.09,-19.64);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (39.9,-11.2) -- (44.92,-20.09);
    \fill [black] (44.92,-20.09) -- (44.97,-19.15) -- (44.09,-19.64);
    \draw [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (31.38,-20.74);
    \fill [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (32.19,-20.26) -- (31.3,-19.8);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (33,-23.27) -- (43.4,-22.83);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (42.58,-22.36) -- (42.62,-23.36);
    \draw [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (35.92,-11.96);
    \fill [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (35.11,-12.44) -- (36,-12.9);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (33,-23.27);
    \fill [black] (33,-23.27) -- (33.82,-23.74) -- (33.78,-22.74);
    \draw [black] (44.71,-20.22) -- (38.99,-11.78);
    \fill [black] (38.99,-11.78) -- (39.02,-12.72) -- (39.85,-12.16);
    \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt]
    \draw [black] (37.5,-7.8) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (36.2,-10.5) -- (31.3,-20.7);
    \fill [black] (31.3,-20.7) -- (32.1,-20.19) -- (31.2,-19.76);
    \draw [black] (33.2,-22.7) -- (43.4,-22.7);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.7) -- (42.6,-22.2) -- (42.6,-23.2);
    \draw [black] (44.6,-20.3) -- (38.98,-10.41);
    \fill [black] (38.98,-10.41) -- (38.94,-11.35) -- (39.81,-10.86);

这些是我的照片: 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述




  every node/.append style={inner sep=0pt}
    \draw [black] (38.4,-10) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.2,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (31.38,-20.74);
    \fill [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (32.19,-20.26) -- (31.3,-19.8);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (33,-23.27) -- (43.4,-22.83);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (42.58,-22.36) -- (42.62,-23.36);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (39.9,-11.2) -- (44.92,-20.09);
    \fill [black] (44.92,-20.09) -- (44.97,-19.15) -- (44.09,-19.64);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (39.9,-11.2) -- (44.92,-20.09);
    \fill [black] (44.92,-20.09) -- (44.97,-19.15) -- (44.09,-19.64);
    \draw [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (31.38,-20.74);
    \fill [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (32.19,-20.26) -- (31.3,-19.8);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (33,-23.27) -- (43.4,-22.83);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (42.58,-22.36) -- (42.62,-23.36);
    \draw [black] (31.38,-20.74) -- (35.92,-11.96);
    \fill [black] (35.92,-11.96) -- (35.11,-12.44) -- (36,-12.9);
    \draw [black] (37.3,-9.3) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (43.4,-22.83) -- (33,-23.27);
    \fill [black] (33,-23.27) -- (33.82,-23.74) -- (33.78,-22.74);
    \draw [black] (44.71,-20.22) -- (38.99,-11.78);
    \fill [black] (38.99,-11.78) -- (39.02,-12.72) -- (39.85,-12.16);
    \draw [black] (37.5,-7.8) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (30,-23.4) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (46.4,-22.7) circle (3);
    \draw [black] (36.2,-10.5) -- (31.3,-20.7);
    \fill [black] (31.3,-20.7) -- (32.1,-20.19) -- (31.2,-19.76);
    \draw [black] (33.2,-22.7) -- (43.4,-22.7);
    \fill [black] (43.4,-22.7) -- (42.6,-22.2) -- (42.6,-23.2);
    \draw [black] (44.6,-20.3) -- (38.98,-10.41);
    \fill [black] (38.98,-10.41) -- (38.94,-11.35) -- (39.81,-10.86);
