我是 TikZ 新手。我手上有一张图像,使用 TikZ 创建了标签。如何使用 TikZ 将标签移动到图像顶部?以下是我使用的代码:
\usepackage{pinlabel, xcolor,vruler}
%\caption{A concordance between $K$ and the unknot}
%%following code is the label code
%I have to move the label to top of the image
\draw (-12,12) node {A};
\draw (-9,14) node {$\alpha$};
\draw (-5,11) node {$\beta$};
\draw (-3,16) node {$\gamma$};
\node (n1) [inner sep=0pt] {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image}};
(n1.north west) -- node[pos=0.25,above] {$\alpha$}
node[pos=0.50,above] {$\beta$}
node[pos=0.75,above] {$\gamma$}
(n1.north east);
\caption{A concordance between $K$ and the unknot}
%%following code is the label code
%I have to move the label to top of the image