Many of the definitions echo those in Reference A, B. Readers are
referred to these works for additional information about the terminology
used here.
一位 MWE 表示:
name=Blackbox models,
description={--- In system identification, the term \emph{blackbox} modelling refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques.}
A reference to \gls{Blackbox}.
% Would like:
% Glossary
% Many of the definitions echo those in Reference A, B. Readers are
% referred to these works for additional information about the terminology
% used here.
% Blackbox models — In system identification, the term blackbox modelling
% refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques,
% without knowledge of physical inner workings of the system, resulting
% in an empirical model. 1
使用\setglossarypreamble[main]{Your text}
或\setglossarypreamble[acronym]{Some other text}
\setglossarypreamble[acronym]{foo foo}
\setglossarypreamble[main]{Many of the definitions echo those in Reference A, B. Readers are
referred to these works for additional information about the terminology
used here.}
name=Blackbox models,
description={--- In system identification, the term \emph{blackbox} modelling refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques.}
A reference to \gls{Blackbox}.