如何在 moderncv 中插入内嵌图像?

如何在 moderncv 中插入内嵌图像?

我怎样才能在 moderncv 中插入内嵌图像?




我尝试使用典型的 \begin{figure} ....但没有成功。

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                   % replace by the encoding you are using
\familyname{Dopazo Souto}
\title{\Large{Carpinteiro\newline{}\newline{}Wood worker}}
\address{Rúa dabaixo}{36.000, Pontevedra}    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\mobile{649.45.74.35}                    % optional, remove the line if not wanted                     % optional, remove the line if not wanted
%MICHI%\fax{fax (optional)}                          % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{Data de nacemento: 2 de Xaneiro de 1.492}

\newgeometry{top=1.25cm, bottom=1.25cm,right=1.61cm, left=1.61cm}% inner=1cm, outer=0.618\textwidth


\section{Formación Académica}

\cventry{2015}{Carpinteria de arriba.}{}{}{\newline{}\scriptsize{Up's wood factory.}}{}{}{\scriptsize{Xan.}}

\cventry{2009--2014}{Carpinteria de abaixo}{}{}{\newline{}\scriptsize{Down wood factory. Galicia.}}{}{}{\scriptsize{Xaquin}} 

\section{Habilitaciones por (valided by) %%%% HERE I WANT TO INSERT AN IMAGE %%%%%%
\cventry{Lista de cousas que sabe facer: (List of items)}{Sillas, banquetas, platos, chaveiros, portas, estantes, mobles,...}{}{}{\scriptsize{Galicia}}{}{}{}

%% end of file `template_en.tex'.



\section{Habilitaciones por (valided by) \protect\includegraphics[height=1cm,valign=c]{example-image-16x10}}


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                   % replace by the encoding you are using
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}  % <-- added

\familyname{Dopazo Souto}
\title{\Large{Carpinteiro\newline{}\newline{}Wood worker}}
\address{Rúa dabaixo}{36.000, Pontevedra}    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\mobile{649.45.74.35}                    % optional, remove the line if not wanted                     % optional, remove the line if not wanted
%MICHI%\fax{fax (optional)}                          % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{Data de nacemento: 2 de Xaneiro de 1.492}

\newgeometry{top=1.25cm, bottom=1.25cm,right=1.61cm, left=1.61cm}% inner=1cm, outer=0.618\textwidth


\section{Formación Académica}

\cventry{2015}{Carpinteria de arriba.}{}{}{\newline{}\scriptsize{Up's wood factory.}}{}{}{\scriptsize{Xan.}}

\cventry{2009--2014}{Carpinteria de abaixo}{}{}{\newline{}\scriptsize{Down wood factory. Galicia.}}{}{}{\scriptsize{Xaquin}} 

\section{Habilitaciones por (valided by) \protect\includegraphics[height=1cm,valign=c]{example-image-16x10}}

\cventry{Lista de cousas que sabe facer: (List of items)}{Sillas, banquetas, platos, chaveiros, portas, estantes, mobles,...}{}{}{\scriptsize{Galicia}}{}{}{}


