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% THEOREMS -------------------------------------------------------
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\title[Projection Theorem]{Projection Theorem}%
\author{Saaqib Mahmood}%
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We begin with some preliminary definitions and results.
Let $X$ be an inner product space, and let $M$ be a non-empty subset of $X$. Then the set $M^\perp$ is
defined as follows:
$$M^\perp \ \colon= \ \{ \ x \in X \ \colon \ \langle
x, v \rangle = 0 \ \}.$$
Let $X$ be an inner product space, and let $M$ be a
non-empty subset of $X$. Then $M^\perp$ is a (vector)
subspace of $X$.
Let $\theta_X$ denote the zero vector in $X$. Then
since $\langle \theta_X, v \rangle = 0$ for all $v \in
X$, therefore $\langle \theta_X, v \rangle = 0$ for all
$v \in M$ in particular and hence $\theta_X \in
M^\perp$; so $M^\perp$ is non-empty.
Supose that $x, y \in M^\perp$ and $\alpha, \beta$ are
scalars. Then we have
$$\langle x, v \rangle \ = \ \langle y, v \rangle \ =
\ 0 \ \mbox{ for all } \ v \in M.$$
So, for all $v \in M$, we have
$$\langle \alpha x + \beta y, \ v \rangle = \alpha
\langle x, v \rangle + \beta \langle y, v \rangle =
showing that $\alpha x + \beta y \in M^\perp$.
Hence $M^\perp$ is a subspace of $X$.
Let $X$ be a vector space, and let $Y$ and $Z$ be
subspaces of $X$. Then the set $Y+Z$ defined by
$$Y+Z \ \colon= \ \{ \ y+z \ \colon \ y \in Y, \ z \in
Z \ \}$$
is also a subspace of $X$.
Let $\theta_X$ denote the zero vector in $X$. Since
both $Y$ and $Z$ are subspaces, we have $\theta_X \in
Y$ and $\theta_X \in Z$. Moreover,
$$\theta_X = \theta_X + \theta_X.$$
So $\theta_X \in Y + Z$.
Suppose that $v_1, v_2 \in Y+Z$ and $\alpha_1,
\alpha_2$ are scalars. Then, by definition of $Y+Z$,
$$v_1 = y_1 + z_1 \ \mbox{ for some } \ y_1 \in Y \
\mbox{ and for some } \ z_1 \in Z,$$
$$v_2 = y_2 + z_2 \ \mbox{ for some } \ y_2 \in Y \
\mbox{ and for some } \ z_2 \in Z.$$
Then since $Y$ and $Z$ are subspaces, we must have
$$\alpha_1 y_1 + \alpha_2 y_2 \in Y \ \ \ \mbox{ and }
\ \ \ \alpha_1 z_1 + \alpha_2 z_2 \in Z.$$
$$\alpha_1 v_1 + \alpha_2 v_2 = \alpha_1 ( y_1 + z_1) +
\alpha_2 (y_2 + z_2) = (\alpha_1 y_1 + \alpha_2 y_2) +
(\alpha_1 z_1 + \alpha_2 z_2),$$
and therefore $\alpha_1 v_1 + \alpha_2 v_2 \in Y+Z$,
showing that $Y+Z$ is a subspace of $X$ as well.
The above result can be generalised to any finite
number of subspaces.
Let $X$ be a vector space, and let $Y$ and $Z$ be
subspaces of $X$. Then $X$ is said to be the direct sum
of $Y$ and $Z$ if each element $x \in X$ can be written
uniquely as a sum $y+z$ of some element $y \in Y$ and
some element $z \in Z$.
That is, $X$ is the direct sum of $Y$ and $Z$ if, for
each element $x \in X$ there exist a unique element $y
\in Y$ and a unique element $z \in Z$ such that $x = y
+ z$.
If $X$ is the direct sum of $Y$ and $Z$, then we write
$$X = Y \oplus Z.$$
For example, let $X \colon= \mathbb{R}^3$, and let $Y$
and $Z$ be defined by
$$Y \ \colon= \ \{ \ (\xi_1, \xi_2, \xi_3) \in
\mathbb{R}^3 \ \colon \ \xi_2 = \xi_3 = 0 \ \}$$
$$Z \ \colon= \ \{ \ (\xi_1, \xi_2, \xi_3) \in
\mathbb{R}^3 \ \colon \ \xi_1 = 0 \ \}.$$
That is, $Y$ is the $x$-axis and $Z$ is the $yz$-plane.
Then $X = Y \oplus Z$.
Let $X$ be a vector space, and let $Y$ and $Z$ be
subspaces of $X$. Then $X = Y \oplus Z$ if and only if
$X = Y + Z$ and $Y \cap Z = \{ \theta_X \}$.
Suppose that $X = Y \oplus Z$. Then each $x \in X$ can
be written as $$x = y + z \ \ \ \mbox{ for a unique } \
y \in Y \ \mbox{ and a unique } \ z \in Z.$$
So $X = Y+Z$.
Since $Y$ and $Z$ are subspaces of $X$, they both
contain the zero vector $\theta_X$; so $\theta_X \in Y
\cap Z$.
Now suppose that $v \in Y \cap Z$. Then $v \in Y$ and
$v \in Z$. But after all $v$ is an element of $X$. So
we have
$$v = v + \theta_X, \ \mbox{ where } \ v \in Y \ \mbox{
and } \ \theta_X \in Z;$$
$$v = \theta_X + v, \ \mbox{ where } \ \theta_X \in Y \
\mbox{ and } \ v \in Z.$$
Since the representation of $v$ as the sum of an
element of $Y$ and an element of $Z$ must be unique, we
must have $v = \theta_X$.
But $v \in Y \cap Z$ was arbitrary. Hence $Y \cap Z =
\{ \theta_X \}$.
Conversely, suppose that $X = Y + Z$ and $Y \cap Z = \{
\theta_X \}$. Now suppose that an element $x \in X$ has
$$x = y_1 + z_1, \ \mbox{ where } \ y_1 \in Y \ \mbox{
and } \ z_1 \in Z,$$
$$x = y_2 + z_2, \ \mbox{ where } \ y_2 \in Y \ \mbox{
and } \ z_2 \in Z.$$
$$y_1 + z_1 = y_2 + z_2;$$
$$y_1 - y_2 = z_2 - z_1.$$
Since $y_1, y_2 \in Y$ and $Y$ is a vector subspace,
the element $y_1 - y_2 \in Y$ also.
And, since $z_1, z_2 \in Z$ and $Z$ is a subspace, the
element $z_2 - z_1 \in Z$ also.
So from the last equality we can conclude that
$$y_1 - y_2 = z_2 - z_1 \in Y \cap Z.$$
But $Y \cap Z = \{ \theta_X \}$ by our hypothesis.
Hence $y_1 = y_2$ and $z_1 = z_2$ and the
representation of any element $x \in X$ as a sum of an element $y \in Y$ and
an element $z \in Z$ is unique.
Let $X$ be a vector space over the field $\mathbb{R}$
of real numbers or the field $\mathbb{C}$ of complex
numbers. Then given two elements $x, y \in X$,
the \emph{segment} joining $x$ and $y$ is defined to be
the following subset of $X$:
$$\{ \ (1-\alpha)x + \alpha y \ \colon \ \alpha \in
\mathbb{R}, \ 0 \leq \alpha \leq 1 \ \}.$$
In fact, the above set is the segment from $x$ to $y$.Note that for $\alpha = 0$ we have the point $x$ and
for $\alpha = 1$ we have the point $y$.
The special linear combination $\mu x + \nu y$, where
$\mu, \nu$ are non-negative scalars such that $\mu+ \nu
= 1$, is called a \emph{convex combination} of $x$ and
Thus, $(1-\alpha)x + \alpha y$ is a convex combination
of $x$ and $y$.
Let $X$ be a vector space over $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$, and let $M$ be a non-empty subset of $X$. Then
$M$ is said to be \emph{convex} if, for all $x, y \in
M$ and for all scalars $\alpha \in [0,1]$, the element
$(1-\alpha)x + \alpha y \in M$.
If $M$ is a vector subspace of $X$, then $M$ is convex.
However, not every convex subset $M$ of $X$ is a
subspace of $X$. For example, let $X \colon=
\mathbb{R}^2$, and let $M$ be defined by
$$M \ \colon= \ \{ \ (\xi_1, \xi_2 ) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \
\colon \ 0 \leq \xi_1 \leq 1, \ 0 \leq \xi_2 \leq 1 \
Geometrically, $M$ is the interior and boundary of the
unit square with the origin $(0,0)$ as one of the
vertices and sides parallel to the coordinate axes.
The set $M$ is not a subspace of $\mathbb{R}^2$: the
point $x \colon= (1, 0) \in M$, but $2x \not\in M$, so
that $M$ is not closed under scalar multiplication.
However, $M$ is convex: This we show now. Suppose that
$x \colon= (\xi_1, \xi_2), \ y \colon= (\eta_1,
\eta_2) \in M$ and suppose that $\alpha \in [0,1]$.
Then, for $i = 1, 2$, we have
$$0 \leq \xi_i \leq 1 \ \mbox{ and } \ 0 \leq \eta_i
\leq 1.$$
(1-\alpha) x + \alpha y \
&= \ (1- \alpha) \left( \xi_1, \xi_2 \right) + \alpha \left( \eta_1, \eta_2 \right) \\
&= \ \left( \ (1-\alpha) \xi_1 + \alpha \eta_1, \ (1- \alpha) \xi_2 + \alpha \eta_2 \ \right).
Since $0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$, therefore, we have
$-1 \leq -\alpha \leq 0$ and hence $0 \leq 1- \alpha
\leq 1$.
In particular, $\alpha \geq 0$ and $1-\alpha \geq 0$.
Moreover, for $i = 1, 2$, we have
$$0 \leq \xi_i \leq 1, \ \ \mbox{ and } \ \ \ 0 \leq
\eta_i \leq 1. $$
Upon multiplying the first one of the last two
inequalities by $1- \alpha$ and the second one by
$\alpha$ and then adding together the resulting
inequalities, we get
$$(1-\alpha) \cdot 0 + \alpha \cdot 0 \ \leq \
(1-\alpha) \xi_i + \alpha \eta_i \ \leq \ (1- \alpha)
\cdot 1 + \alpha \cdot 1,$$
which simplifies to
$$0 \ \leq \ (1-\alpha) \xi_i + \alpha \eta_i \ \leq \
1 \ \ \ \mbox{ for } \ i = 1, 2.$$
Thus, by the definition of the set $M$, we can conclude
that the element $(1-\alpha)x + \alpha y \in M$. Hence
the set $M$ is convex.
Let $M \neq \emptyset$ be a subset of a metric space
$(X, d)$. Let $x \in X$. Then the distance $D(x, M)$
between $x$ and $M$ is defined to be
$$D(x, M) \ \colon= \ \inf \{ \ d(x, v) \ \colon \ v
\in M \ \}.$$
If $X$ is a normed space, then this definition becomes
$$D(x, M) \ \colon= \ \inf \{ \ \Vert x-v \Vert_X \
\colon \ v \in M \ \}.$$
Since an inner product space $(X, \langle \cdot
\rangle)$ is also a normed space, with the norm defined
$$\Vert x \Vert_X \colon= \sqrt{ \langle x, x \rangle}
\ \ \ \mbox{ for all } \ x \in X, $$
the above definition takes the following form in an inner product space:
$$D(x, M) \ \colon= \ \inf \{ \ \sqrt{\ \langle \
x-v,\ x-v\ \rangle} \ \ \colon \ v \in M \ \}.$$
\section*{The Main Result}
Here's our main result. It is also called the \emph{projection theorem}.
Let $X$ be an inner product space, let $x \in X$, and
let $M$ be a non-empty subset of $X$ such that $M$ is
complete in the metric induced by the inner product, that is, $M$ is complete in the metric which is
the restriction to $M \times M$ of the metric
$d$ on $X$ given by
$$d(u,v) \colon= \sqrt{ \ \langle u-v, \ u-v \rangle \
} \ \ \ \mbox{ for all } u, v \in X.$$
Then we have the following:
(a) If $M$ is also a convex set, then there exists a unique element $y \in M$ such that
$$D(x,M) = \Vert x - y \Vert;$$
that is,
$$D(x,M) = \sqrt{ \ \langle x-y,\ x-y \rangle \ }.$$
(b) If $M$ is a vector subspace of $X$, then (a) still
holds and the unique element $y$ whose existence is
asserted in (a) also satisfies
$ (x-y ) \perp M$, that is,
$$\langle x-y, \ v \rangle = 0 \ \ \ \mbox{ for all } \
v \in M.$$
(c) if $X$ is a Hilbert space (i.e. if $X$ is complete
in the metric induced by the inner product), if $M$ is
a vector subspace of $X$, and if $M$ is closed with
respect to the metric induced by the inner product on
$X$, then there are unique elements $y \in M$ and $z
\in M^\perp$ such that $x = y + z$, that is, then
$$X = M \oplus M^\perp.$$
Let $X$ be an inner product space, let $x \in X$, and
let $M$ be a non-empty subset of $X$ such that $M$ is
complete in the metric induced by the inner product.
Suppose that $M$ is also convex.
Since, by definition,
D(x,M) = \inf \{ \ \Vert x-v \Vert
\ \colon \ v \in M \ \},
we have the following:
$$D(x,M) \leq \Vert x-v \Vert \ \ \ \mbox{ for all } \
v \in M,$$
and for every $\delta > 0$, there exists some element
$y_\delta \in M$ such that
$$D(x,M) \leq \Vert x - y_\delta \Vert < D(x, M ) +
In particular, for each $n \in \mathbb{N}$, there is
some $y_n \in M$ such that
$$D(x,M) \leq \Vert x - y_n \Vert < D(x,M) +
Thus we have a sequence $(y_n)$ in $M$ such that
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \Vert x - y_n \Vert = D(x,M). \ \
\ \ \mbox{ [ using the sandwiching theorem ]}$$
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \Vert x - y_n \Vert^2 = \left(
D(x,M) \right)^2.$$
So, given $\epsilon> 0$, there exists a natural number
$N$ such that
$$ \left\vert \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 - \left( D(x,M)
\right)^2 \right\vert < \frac{\epsilon^2}{4} \ \ \
\mbox{ for all } \ n \in \mathbb{N} \ \mbox{ such that
} \ n > N.$$
Now we show that the sequence $(y_n)$ is a Cauchy
Note that, for all $m, n \in \mathbb{N}$,
since $y_m, y_n \in M$ and $M$ is convex, and since
$$\frac{1}{2} ( y_m + y_n ) = \frac{1}{2} y_m +
\frac{1}{2} y_n = (1-\frac{1}{2}) y_m + \frac{1}{2}
y_n, $$
therefor we can conclude also that
\frac{1}{2} (y_m + y_n ) \in M.
We will be using this fact in the remainder of this
For each $m, n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $m > N$ and
$n > N$, we have
\Vert y_m - y_n \Vert^2
&= \Vert y_m - x + x - y_n
\Vert^2 \\
&= \Vert - (x-y_m )\ + \ (x-y_n) \Vert^2 \\
&= \Vert (x-y_n) - (x- y_m) \Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 -
\Vert (x-y_n) \ + \ (x-y_m) \Vert^2 \\
& \ \ \ \mbox{ [the parallelogram identity ] } \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 -
\Vert 2x - ( y_n + y_m) \Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 -
\left\Vert 2 \left( \ x \ - \ \frac{1}{2}( y_n + y_m) \
\right) \right\Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 - 2^2
\left\Vert x - \frac{1}{2}( y_n + y_m) \right\Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 - 4
\left\Vert x - \frac{1}{2}( y_n + y_m) \right\Vert^2 \\
&\leq 2 \Vert x-y_n \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y_m \Vert^2 - 4
\left( D(x,M) \right)^2 \\
& \ \ \ \mbox{ [Since $M$ is convex,
$\frac{1}{2}(y_m + y_n) \in M$ also.] } \\
&= 2 \left( \Vert x - y_n \Vert^2 - \left( D(x,M)
\right)^2 \right) \ + \ 2 \left( \Vert x - y_m \Vert^2
- \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 \right) \\
&\leq 2 \left\vert \ \Vert x - y_n \Vert^2 - \left(
D(x,M) \right)^2 \ \right\vert \ + \ 2 \left\vert \
\Vert x - y_m \Vert^2 - \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 \
\right\vert \\
&< 2 \frac{\epsilon^2}{4} + 2 \frac{\epsilon^2}{4} \\
&= \epsilon^2.
This we have shown that, for every given $\epsilon > 0$, there exists a natural number $N$ such that
\Vert y_m - y_n \Vert < \epsilon \ \mbox{ for all } \ m, n \in \mathbb{N} \ \mbox{ such that } \ m > N \ \mbox{ and } \ n > N.
So the sequence $(y_n)$ is a Cauchy sequence in $M$, and since
$M$ is complete, this sequence converges to some
element $y$ of $M$; that is, there exists an element $y \in M$ such that
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \Vert y_n - y \Vert = 0.$$
Now we show that $D(x,M) = \Vert x - y \Vert$.
Since $y \in M$, we have
$$D(x,M) \leq \Vert x-y \Vert.$$
Now we show that $D(x,M) \geq \Vert x -y \Vert$ also.
For all $n \in \mathbb{N}$, we have
\Vert x - y \Vert &= \Vert x-y_n + y_n - y \Vert \\
&\leq \Vert x - y_n \Vert + \Vert y_n - y \Vert.
Now since $\lim_{n \to \infty} \Vert x-y_n \Vert =
D(x,M)$ and since $\lim_{n\to \infty} \Vert y_n - y
\Vert = 0$, we have
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \left( \Vert x - y_n \Vert +
\Vert y_n - y \Vert \right) = D(x,M) + 0 = D(x,M).$$
And, as we have shown above, since
\Vert x - y \Vert \leq \Vert x - y_n \Vert + \Vert y_n - y \Vert \ \mbox{ for all } \ n \in \mathbb{N},
therefore upon taking the limit as $n \to \infty$, we get
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \Vert x - y \Vert \ \leq \ \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( \Vert x - y_n \Vert + \Vert y_n - y \Vert \right) $$
$$\Vert x-y \Vert \leq D(x,M).$$
Hence $$D(x,M) = \Vert x-y \Vert.$$
Now we show that this point $y \in M$ is unique.
Suppose that there is some point $y^\prime \in M$
such that
$$D(x,M) = \Vert x-y^\prime \Vert$$
Then we have
\Vert y - y^\prime \Vert^2
&= \Vert y -x + x - y^\prime
\Vert^2 \\
&= \Vert -(x-y) + (x-y^\prime) \Vert^2 \\
&= \Vert (x-y^\prime) - (x-y) \Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \Vert x-y^\prime \Vert^2 + 2 \Vert x-y \Vert^2 -
\Vert (x-y^\prime) + (x-y) \Vert^2 \\
&= 2 \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 + 2 \left( D(x, M)
\right)^2 - \Vert 2x - (y^\prime + y) \Vert^2 \\
&= 4 \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 - \left\Vert 2 \left( x -
(y^\prime + y) \right) \right\Vert^2 \\
&= 4 \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 - 2^2 \left\Vert x -
\frac{1}{2} (y^\prime + y) \right\Vert^2 \\
&= 4 \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 - 4 \left\Vert x -
\frac{1}{2} (y^\prime + y) \right\Vert^2 \\
&\leq 4 \left( D(x,M) \right)^2 - 4 \left( D(x,M)
\right)^2 \\
& \ \ \ \mbox{ [since $y, y^\prime \in M$ and $M$ is convex, $\frac{1}{2}(y+y^\prime) \in M$ also.]}\\
&= 0.
$$\Vert y-y^\prime \Vert \leq 0.$$
$$\Vert y-y^\prime \Vert \geq 0 \ \ \mbox{ by the
property N1 of the norm }.$$
So $\Vert y-y^\prime \Vert = 0$ and hence $y =
Suppose that $M$ is a vector subspace of $X$. Then $M$
is convex, and therefore using (a) above, we can
conclude that there exists a unique $y \in M$ such that
$$D(x,M) = \Vert x-y \Vert.$$
Let $z \colon= x-y$. We now show that this $z$ is
orthogonal to all $v \in M$, that is, we show that $\langle z, v
\rangle = 0$ for all $v \in M$.
Suppose that there is some element $v_0 \in M$ such
that $\langle z, v_0 \rangle \neq 0$.
This element $v_0$ cannot be the zero vector $\theta_X$
in $X$ because
$$\langle z, \theta_X \rangle = \langle z, 0z \rangle =
\overline{0} \langle z,z \rangle = 0 \Vert z \Vert^2 =
Since $v_0 \neq \theta_X$, using the property IP4 of an
inner product, we can conclude that $$\Vert v_0 \Vert^2
= \langle v_0, v_0 \rangle > 0.$$
Now for any scalar $\alpha$, we have
\Vert z- \alpha v_0 \Vert^2 &= \langle z-\alpha v_0, \
z-\alpha v_0 \rangle \\
&= \langle z, z-\alpha v_0 \rangle - \langle \alpha
v_0, z-\alpha v_0 \rangle \\
&= \langle z, z \rangle - \overline{\alpha} \langle z,
v_0 \rangle - \alpha \left( \langle v_0, z \rangle -
\overline{\alpha} \langle v_0, v_0 \rangle \right) \\
&= \Vert z \Vert^2 - \overline{\alpha} \langle z, v_0
\rangle - \alpha \left( \overline{\langle z, v_0
\rangle } - \overline{\alpha} \Vert v_0 \Vert^2 \right)
Now let's take
$$\alpha \colon= \frac{\langle z, v_0 \rangle}{\langle
v_0, v_0 \rangle} = \frac{\langle z, v_0 \rangle}{\Vert
v_0 \Vert^2} .$$
\Vert z - \alpha v_0 \Vert^2
&= \Vert z \Vert^2 - \overline{\frac{\langle z, v_0 \rangle}{\Vert v_0
\Vert^2}} \langle z, v_0 \rangle - \alpha \cdot 0 \\
&= \Vert z \Vert^2 - \frac{ \left\vert \langle z, v_0
\rangle \right\vert^2 }{\Vert v_0 \Vert^2} \\
&< \Vert z \Vert^2 \\
& \ \ \ \mbox{ [Since the absolute value
of a non-zero complex number is positive.]} \\
&= \left(D(x,M) \right)^2.
\Vert z-\alpha v_0 \Vert < D(x,M).$$
$$z- \alpha v_0 = (x-y) - \alpha v_0 = x - (y+ \alpha
v_0 ).$$
And since $y, v_0 \in M$, since $\alpha$ is a scalar,
and since $M$ is a vector subspace of $X$, therefore
we must have $y + \alpha v_0 \in M$ also and hence
$$\Vert x - (y + \alpha v_0 ) \Vert \geq D(x,M);$$
that is,
$$\Vert z- \alpha v_0 \Vert \geq D(x,M).$$
Thus we have a contradiction.
Therefore our supposition that there exists some $v_0
\in M$ such that $\langle z, v_0 \rangle \neq 0$ is
wrong and hence $\langle z, v \rangle = 0$ for all $v
\in M$.
Thus we have shown that if $M$ is a complete subspace
of an inner product space $X$, then every $x \in X$ can
be written as $x = y + z$, where $y \in M$ and $z
\colon= x-y \in M^\perp$ and $y \in M$ is unique. So $z
\in M^\perp$ is also unique.
Another way to see the uniqueness of the $y \in M$ and the $z \in M^\perp$ is
as follows:
Suppose that, for some $x \in X$, there exist $y_1, y_2
\in M$ and $z_1, z_2 \in M^\perp$ such that
$$x = y_1 + z_1 \ \ \ \mbox{ and } \ \ \ x = y_2 +
$$y_1 + z_1 = y_2 + z_2,$$
and so
$$y_1 - y_2 = z_2 - z_1.$$
Now since both $M$ and $M^\perp$ are vector subspaces
of $X$, therefore $y_1 - y_2 \in M$ for all $y_1, y_2
\in M$ and $z_2 - z_1 \in M^\perp$ for all $z_1, z_2
\in M^\perp$.
Then since $y_1 - y_2 = z_2 - z_1$, we can conclude
that $y_1 - y_2 = z_2 - z_1 \in M \cap M^\perp$, which implies that
$$\langle y_1 - y_2, y_1 - y_2 \rangle = 0,$$
which in turn implies that $y_1 - y_2 = \theta_X$, the
zero vector in $X$; therefore $y_1 = y_2$ and hence
$z_1 = z_2$ also.
Hence the representation of any given $x \in X$ as a
sum of an element $y \in M$ and an element $z \in
M^\perp$ is unique whenever $X$ is any inner product
space and $M$ is a subspace of $X$ such that $M$ is
complete in the metric induced by the inner product.
Therefore, we can write
$$X = M \oplus M^\perp.$$
Now suppose that $X$ is a Hilbert space (i.e. an inner product space that is complete with respect to the metric induced by the inner product) and suppose that $M$ is a (vector) subspace of $X$ such that $M$ is closed (in the metric induced by the inner product on $X$). Then $M$ is
complete, by Theorem 1.4-7 in Kreyszig. Therefore, as we have already shown in (b) above,
$$X = M \oplus M^\perp.$$
Here are some of the applications of the theorem in the previous section.
Let $X$ be a Hilbert space, and let $M$ be a closed subspace of $X$. Then $X = M \oplus M^\perp$. Now we can define the maps $P_M \colon X \to M$ and $P_{M^\perp} \colon X \to M^\perp$ as follows: Let $x \in X$. Then there are unique elements $y \in M$ and $z \in M^\perp$ such that $x = y+z$. So let's define
$$P_M (x) \colon= y \ \ \ \mbox{ and } \ \ \ P_{M^\perp} (x) \colon= z.$$
The subspaces $M$ and $M^\perp$ are then called the \emph{orthogonal complements} of each other, and the maps $P_M$ and $P_{M^\perp}$ are called the \emph{projection maps}, or the \emph{projections}, of $X$ onto $M$ and $M^\perp$, respectively.
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