\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=fading letter]
\node[text=transparent!0,inner xsep=0pt,outer xsep=0pt,#1] {#3};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,#1](textnode){\phantom{#3}};
\shade[path fading=fading letter,#2,fit fading=false]
(textnode.south west) rectangle (textnode.north east);%
\fadingtext{left color=YellowOrange, right color = Cyan}{In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional quantity in classical mechanics.}
\fadingtext{left color=YellowOrange, right color = Cyan}{In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and} \fadingtext{left color=Green, right color = RawSienna}{physical concepts that define}
In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional quantity in classical mechanics.
\fadingtext{left color=YellowOrange, right color = Cyan}{\parbox{\textwidth}{In physics,}} \fadingtext{left color=Black, right color = Red}{\parbox{\textwidth}{relativistic angular momentum refers}}
我的意思是将 a 放入\parbox
#3 中:
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=fading letter]
\node[text=transparent!0,inner xsep=0pt,outer xsep=0pt,#1] {#3};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,#1](textnode){\phantom{#3}};
\shade[path fading=fading letter,#2,fit fading=false]
(textnode.south west) rectangle (textnode.north east);%
\fadingtext{left color=YellowOrange, right color = Cyan}{\parbox{\textwidth}{%
In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional quantity in classical mechanics.}}
\fadingtext{left color=YellowOrange, right color = Cyan}{In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and} \fadingtext{left color=Green, right color = RawSienna}{physical concepts that define}
In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional quantity in classical mechanics.
解决方案,而是一种不同的方法。它基于我在仅使用文字制作烟花和如何在一定长度之后“淡出”文本?. 可以成功换行。
参数。将颜色指定为 后\FadeColors{<start-color>}{<end-color>}
\newcommand\fahelp[1]{\prefahelper#1 \relax\fahelper#1\relax}
\def\prefahelper#1#2 #3\relax{\gdef\wordremaining{#1#2}}
\global\protected@edef\cumstring{\cumstring\ }}{}%
\divide\mynum by\myden%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\wordremaining}}{\ }{}%
\FadeAfter{\dimexpr\textwidth+1in}{This is a very long multi-line test.
This is a very long test. This is a very long test.
This is a very long test. }\par
\FadeAfter{2in}{This is a test. This is a test.
This is a test.}\par
\FadeAfter{4\textwidth}{In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to
the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular
momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The
relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional
quantity in classical mechanics.}
\gradientRGB{In physics, relativistic angular momentum refers to the mathematical formalisms and physical concepts that define angular momentum in special relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). The relativistic quantity is subtly different from the three-dimensional quantity in classical mechanics.}{255,165,0}{0,255,255}