


这完全没问题,除非我想包含可接受性判断。显然,我不能使用 的固有判断功能gb4e,因为这会将判断放在上下文之前而不是第一行之前。作为一种解决方法,我想到将判断放在示例本身的第一行中,并{}在第二行中使用空的词素注释。然而,这会导致翻译行出现奇怪的间距,即使使用\hphantom。有人有解决这个问题的方法吗?

\newcommand{\pream}[1]{#1:\\[-4.5ex]} % for preamble lines, supplies a colon and removes some vertical space
\newcommand{\pglt}{\vspace*{-2ex}\glt} % for use in examples that have a preamble

The judgement function of gb4e does not yield an acceptable result with $\backslash$ pream:
\ex[\#]{\pream{Context: Somebody has arrived late.}
\gll Ich bin schon da\\
I am already there\\
\pglt \lq I am here already.'}

Putting the judgement in the example line yields unacceptable spacing in the gloss line, even with $\backslash$ hphantom:
\ex \pream{Context: Somebody has arrived late.}
\gll \# Ich bin schon da\\
{} I am already there\\
\pglt \lq I am here already.'
\ex \pream{Context: Somebody has arrived late.}
\gll \# Ich bin schon da\\
{} I am already there\\
\pglt \hphantom{\#} \lq I am here already.'

MWE 的屏幕截图



这个问题的解决方案与alexis 提供的解决方案关于如何在翻译行前面放置判断标记的问题:您可以使用\llap。请参阅该答案以获取有关其工作原理的更多解释。


\newcommand{\context}[1]{Context: #1\\[-4.5ex]} % for context lines, supplies Context: and removes some vertical space
\newcommand{\cglt}{\vspace*{-2ex}\glt} % for use in examples that have a context

\ex{\context{Somebody has arrived late.}
\gll \llap{\#}Ich bin schon da\\
I am already there\\
\cglt \lq I am here already.'}






\lingset{ % sets expex options
    everygla=, % top line of gloss is not italics
    belowglpreambleskip=-0.5ex, % removes some vertical space between the preamble and gloss lines
    aboveglftskip=-0.5ex, % removes some vertical space between the gloss and free translation lines
    everyglpreamble={Context:\ }, % puts the Context: at the beginning of each preamble; you could define this locally to a lingstyle if you want this for some but not all examples


    \glpreamble Somebody has arrived late. //
    \gla\ljudge{\#}Ich bin schon da //
    \glb I am already there //
    \glft \lq I am here already.' //


