当我在 TikZ 中写很多东西时,文字会从页面上消失。我想修复这个问题。
\node[anchor=west] (c1) {\textbf{one}};
\node [below right = of c1.south west] (c11) {If c=1 $\rightarrow$ hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello};
\node [below=of c11.west,anchor=west] (c12) {If c=0 $\rightarrow$ Aun no han pasado 10 segundos};
\foreach \value in {1,2}
\draw[->] (c1.south west) |- (c1\value.west);
默认情况下,节点中不会自动换行,要实现此功能,您需要在节点选项中添加text width
\matrix (m) [
matrix of nodes,
column 2/.style={text width=8cm}, % width of second column, activates automatic lie breaking
If $c=1 \rightarrow$ & hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello \\
If $c=0 \rightarrow$ & Aun no han pasado 10 segundos \\
\node (one) [
above left=1cm and 0.3cm of m, % position relative to the matrix
font=\bfseries, % bold font
outer ysep=5pt % lines drawn to the node will stop at this distance from the noce
] {one};
\draw [<-] (m-2-1) -| (one);
\draw [<-] (m-1-1) -- (m-1-1 -| one);
\node[anchor=west] (c1) {\textbf{one}};
\node [below right = of c1.south west,text width=8cm] (c11) {If $c=1 \rightarrow$ hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello};
\node [below=of c11.west,anchor=west] (c12) {If $c=0 \rightarrow$ Aun no han pasado 10 segundos};
\foreach \value in {1,2}
\draw[->] (c1.south) |- (c1\value.west);
\node[anchor=west] (c1) {\textbf{one}};
\node [below right=of c1.south west] (c11) {If $c=1 \rightarrow$};
\node [right=0pt of c11.base east,anchor=base west,text width=8cm,outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt] {hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello};
\node [below=2cm of c11.west,anchor=west] (c12) {If $c=0 \rightarrow$ Aun no han pasado 10 segundos};
\foreach \value in {1,2}
\draw[->] (c1.south) |- (c1\value.west);