Natbib 与第一作者和年份相同但合著者不同

Natbib 与第一作者和年份相同但合著者不同


\title{Natbib confused with same first author and year but different coauthors}
 I want to cite the three papers by same first author but different coauthors
 all published in the same year \cite{roy_05a}, \cite{roy_05b}, \cite{roy_05c}.

这里是 testBib.bib

Author = {Roy, S. and Xu, S. and Yang, W.},
Journal = {New Journal},
Pages = {1333-1341},
Title = {A new paper in new journal},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2005},

Author = {Roy, S. and Xu, S. and Yang, W. and Zung, T.},
BookTitle = {4th Journal conference proceedings},
Pages = {1291 -- 1298},
Title = {Another new paper},
Volume = {18E23},
Year = {2005},
Author = {Roy, S. and Yang, W. and Zung, T. and Zang, J.},
Journal = {Other Journal},
Pages = {123-134},
Title = {Another new paper in new journal},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2005},





顺便说一句,BibTeX 书目样式chicago最后一次更改是在 1992 年 [!],因此它基于《芝加哥格式手册》第 13 版。如果你想要基于当前的,即《芝加哥手册》第 16 版(2010 年),您应该考虑切换biblatex并使用该biblatex-chicago包。


Author = {Roy, S. and Xu, S. and Yang, W.},
Journal = {New Journal},
Pages = {1333-1341},
Title = {A new paper in new journal},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2005},
Author = {Roy, S. and Xu, S. and Yang, W. and Zung, T.},
BookTitle = {4th Journal conference proceedings},
Pages = {1291-1298},
Title = {Another new paper},
Volume = {18E23},
Year = {2005},
Author = {Roy, S. and Yang, W. and Zung, T. and Zang, J.},
Journal = {Other Journal},
Pages = {123-134},
Title = {Another new paper in new journal},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2005},

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