- 降低比例
- 减少线圈的长度
- 使用柱长在箭头前留出一些空间(未显示)
\documentclass[10pt, border=10pt]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, decorations.pathmorphing
% ~~~ the problem ~~~~~~~~~~~
\draw [ decorate,
decoration={coil,segment length=7.2mm,aspect=1,amplitude=2mm},
-stealth] (2, 1.7) -- ( 3, 0.5);
% ~~~ for reference ~~~~~~~~
\draw [-stealth] (2, 1.2) -- (3, 0);
% ~~~ modified aspect ratio of spring ~~~~~~~~~~~
\draw [ decorate,
decoration={coil,segment length=7.2mm,aspect=.9,amplitude=2mm},
-stealth] (2, 0.7) -- ( 3, -.5);
% ~~~ coil reduced in length ~~~~~~~~~~~
\draw [ decorate,
decoration={coil,segment length=7.0mm,aspect=1,amplitude=2mm},
-stealth] (2, 0.0) -- ( 3, -1.2);
% ~~~ notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\node at ( 4.5, 0.5) {the problem};
\node at ( 4.5, 0) {for reference};
\node at ( 4.5, -.5) {lower aspect};
\node at ( 4.5, -1.2) {reduced length};