将书籍文档类中每个新部分的章节计数器重置为 0

将书籍文档类中每个新部分的章节计数器重置为 0

出于某些人可能认为是误导的原因,有些情况下我想将 构造documentclass{book}parts并从 1 开始对chapters每个进行编号part。只要不需要使用 ,这种方法就可以正常工作hyperref。显而易见的做法是\setcounter{chapter}{0}在 之前调用\part{...}。经过多次尝试使用 使其工作hyperref,首先使用minitoc包,现在使用etoc,我意识到我一直在追逐一个白日梦。hyperref与这两个包中的任何一个都可以很好地交互,但是,如下面的 MWE 所示,只是根据误导性信息采取行动。在他的其中一个答案中egreg表明\numberwithin{chapter}{part}可能是解决问题的方法,但我发现这只是部分如此。如果不是因为前段时间在 的TeX.SX某个地方,我看到一个答案表明 可能chapters不是由 引用,chapter counter而是由一对 引用,我会在这个阶段承认失败。通过在 Exchange 上搜索各种和part counter/chapter counter来寻找那个特定答案的漫长搜索无果而终。是时候放弃所有希望了吗? tagsUsers

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}
% MWE 21June16
% COMMENTS: Resetting chapter counter to 0 for each new part.

\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}  % main table of contents, if used
\shorttableofcontents{Summary Contents}{0}
.... some text ....

.... some text ....
\part{Part ONE}

\chapter{Chap. One}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter One.
\section{Sec. Alpha}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Alpha.
\subsection{Subsec. one}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Alpha/Subsection one.
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 1}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 2}
\subsection{Subsec. two}
\section{Sec. Bravo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Bravo.
\subsection{Subsec. three}
\subsection{Subsec. four}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Two}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Charlie}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Charlie.
\subsection{Subsec. five}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Charlie/Subsection five.
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 3}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 4}
\subsection{Subsec. six}
\section{Sec. Delta}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Delta.
\subsection{Subsec. seven}
\subsection{Subsec. eight}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Three}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Echo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. nine}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 5}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 6}
\subsection{Subsec. ten}
\section{Sec. Foxtrot}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. eleven}
\subsection{Subsec. twelve}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\part{Part TWO}

\chapter{Chap. Four}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Golf}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. thirteen}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 7}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 8}
\subsection{Subsec. fourteen}
\section{Sec. Hotel}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. fifteen}
\subsection{Subsec. sixteen}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Five}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. India}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. seventeen}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 9}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 10}
\subsection{Subsec. eighteen}
\section{Sec. Juliett}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. nineteen}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Six}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Kilo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-one}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 11}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 12}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-two}
\section{Sec. Lima}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-three}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-four}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\part{Part THREE}

etc. etc.









必须这样做 hyperref已加载,因为hyperref已将抓地力放在计数器和锚点上,并且执行了正确的设置!否则会导致错误的锚点和大量警告!

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}
% MWE 21June16
% COMMENTS: Resetting chapter counter to 0 for each new part.

% Or
% \usepackage{chngcntr}
% \counterwithin{chapter}{part}

\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}  % main table of contents, if used
\shorttableofcontents{Summary Contents}{0}
.... some text ....

.... some text ....
\part{Part ONE}

\chapter{Chap. One}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter One.
\section{Sec. Alpha}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Alpha.
\subsection{Subsec. one}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Alpha/Subsection one.
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 1}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 2}
\subsection{Subsec. two}
\section{Sec. Bravo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter One/Section Bravo.
\subsection{Subsec. three}
\subsection{Subsec. four}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Two}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Charlie}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Charlie.
\subsection{Subsec. five}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Charlie/Subsection five.
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 3}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 4}
\subsection{Subsec. six}
\section{Sec. Delta}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Two/Section Delta.
\subsection{Subsec. seven}
\subsection{Subsec. eight}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Three}

Introducing the topic of Part ONE/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Echo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. nine}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 5}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 6}
\subsection{Subsec. ten}
\section{Sec. Foxtrot}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part ONE/Chapter Three/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. eleven}
\subsection{Subsec. twelve}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\part{Part TWO}

\chapter{Chap. Four}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Golf}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. thirteen}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 7}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 8}
\subsection{Subsec. fourteen}
\section{Sec. Hotel}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Four/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. fifteen}
\subsection{Subsec. sixteen}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Five}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. India}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. seventeen}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 9}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 10}
\subsection{Subsec. eighteen}
\section{Sec. Juliett}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Five/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. nineteen}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\chapter{Chap. Six}

Introducing the topic of Part TWO/Chapter .
\section{Sec. Kilo}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-one}
General comments to all subsubsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section /Subsection .
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 11}
\subsubsection{Subsubsec. 12}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-two}
\section{Sec. Lima}
General comments pertaining to all subsections of Part TWO/Chapter Six/Section .
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-three}
\subsection{Subsec. twenty-four}
Summarizing all topics discussed in this chapter and looking ahead.

\part{Part THREE}

etc. etc.

\chapter{Foo chapter}

