




  • 节计数器值
  • 章节标题
  • 页码
  • 文件名/路径
  • 电话号码


<macro content> (<section counter value>:<section title>:<page number>:<file>:<line number>)



  1. \thetitle当其中一个选定的宏属于分段命令本身时进行处理。
  2. 在使用宏的情况下,将扩展宏的完整值作为字符串放入日志中\myproduct


  • \thetitle 获取部分计数器 titlesec
  • \@currentlabelname 获取章节标题 titlesec提供\def\@currentlabelnamenameref(我仅使用直类测试了这一点,即没有底线标题的类)
  • \thepage 获取页面乳胶
  • \the\inputlineno 获取行号LaTeX(使用时指的是当前文件中的 lineno \input
  • max_print_line=10000扩展texmf.cnf日志输出中每行的最大字符数(与这个问题无关,但对于可能还想实现自定义日志的人来说相关)


问题 2(几乎可以工作,排版良好)

有时我的章节标题包含宏。这可能会导致扩展问题。此外,有时章节标题包含我正在跟踪的宏,这使得\thetitle在日志条目中使用它会变得很棘手,\section{About \myproduct{monkey shampoo}}例如应该产生例如MacGyver.monkey shampoo (2:About MacGyver.monkey shampoo:[1]:test.tex:11)

\usepackage{fontspec}% use xelatex
\usepackage{titlesec}% adds \thetitle and \@currentlabelname
\usepackage{currfile}% adds \currfilepath

% Define a couple commands to track
\newcommand\myproduct[1]{MacGyver.\textit{#1}}% Purposefully made this one contain more text that what is saved in #1

% The following is normally put into separate file as to modularize the application of patches
% Define a context macro as described
% Apply Patches
\xapptocmd{\myapp}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}
\xapptocmd{\myproduct}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}% <-- I'd rather show MacGyver.monkey shampoo, but unsure how best to implement
% Note: \typeout is always fully expanded due to \write %http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60976/13552

\myproduct{monkey shampoo}


参见上面的问题 2:如何才能让“猴子洗发水“ 是 ”MacGyver.猴子洗发水“或者更简单:MacGyver.\textit{猴子洗发水}

 ==> listmonkeys (2.1:Bonabo:[1]:test.tex:34)
 ==> monkey shampoo (2.1:Bonabo:[1]:test.tex:35)

问题 1(不工作,不排版)

参见上面的问题 1:如何处理在中\thetitle定义的?titlesec\gdef\thetitle{\csname the#1\endcsname}%

\usepackage{fontspec}% use xelatex
\usepackage{titlesec}% adds \thetitle and \@currentlabelname
\usepackage{currfile}% adds \currfilepath

% Define a couple commands to track
\newcommand\myproduct[1]{MacGyver.\textit{#1}}% Purposefully made this one contain more text that what is saved in #1

% The following is normally put into separate file as to modularize the application of patches
% Define a context macro as described
% Apply Patches
\xapptocmd{\myapp}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}
\xapptocmd{\myproduct}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}% <-- I'd rather show MacGyver.monkey shampoo, but unsure how best to implement
% Note: \typeout is always fully expanded due to \write %http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60976/13552

\section{Elephant \myapp{watcher}}% probably \thetitle has not been set yet, causing error
\section{Monkey \myproduct{monkey shampoo}}


! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].






\usepackage{currfile}% adds \currfilepath

% Define a couple commands to track

% The following is normally put into separate file as to modularize the application of patches
% Define a context macro as described

% Apply Patches
\xapptocmd{\myapp}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}
\xapptocmd{\myproduct}{\typeout{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}}{}{}% <-- I'd rather show MacGyver.monkey shampoo, but unsure how best to implement
% Note: \typeout is always fully expanded due to \write %http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60976/13552

%\usepackage{xparse}% Loaded by regexpatch
\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{s o m}{%
  % Extract the counter representation
  % Temporarily change \myapp and \myproduct to be expandable and ordinary
  % Extract the title with possible \myapp and \myproduct (now ordinary/expandable)
  % Regular section


\section{Elephant \myapp{watcher}}% probably \thetitle has not been set yet, causing error
\section{About \myproduct{monkey shampoo}}



 ==> watcher (1:Elephant watcher:[1]:test.tex:48)
 ==> monkey shampoo (2:About MacGyver.monkey shampoo:[1]:test.tex:49)



\usepackage{fontspec}% use xelatex
\usepackage{titlesec}% adds \thetitle and \@currentlabelname

\usepackage{currfile}% adds \currfilepath

% Define a couple commands to track
\newcommand\myproduct[1]{MacGyver.\textit{#1}}% Purposefully made this one contain more text that what is saved in #1

% The following is normally put into separate file as to modularize the application of patches
% Define a context macro as described

  \gdef\@currentlabelname{#1}\immediate\write-1{ ==> #1 (\contextinfo)}

\section{Elephant \myapp{watcher}}\label{foo}% probably \thetitle has not been set yet, causing error
\section{Monkey \myproduct{monkey shampoo}}


“宏追踪器”解决方案 更新 2016-07-12

基于 Werner 的代码,我想出了一个很好的日志解决方案。


  Document Diagnostics
Main File: logs.tex
Page Count: 2

==> pre-section example (::logs.tex:[1]:144)
==> post-section example (1:Section:logs.tex:[1]:147)
==> post-section example (1.1:Subsection:logs.tex:[1]:150)
==> post-section example (1.1.1:Subsubsection:logs.tex:[1]:153)
==> post-section example ([1]:156)
==> in-section call (2:\xparsemacro {in-section call}:logs.tex:[1]:159)

该代码最适合用作标签的简单、单一输入宏,这些宏可能分散在您的文本中。此外,将环境变量max_print_line设置为高于 79 的数字后,日志看起来会更好。例如,export max_print_line=1000在我的/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf文件中,我注释掉了

770 %error_line = 79
771 %half_error_line = 50
772 %max_print_line = 79


 11 error_line = 254
 12 half_error_line = 238
 13 max_print_line = 1000


  1. 使用以下方式定义单输入(#1)宏xparse's \NewDocumentCommand (请注意,\newcommand当使用包含类似以下格式化宏时,可能会导致递归调用\texttt
  2. \doforeach{}将宏添加到不带斜线的跟踪宏列表中


\usepackage{etoolbox} % define \do
\usepackage{atveryend} % define \AtEndAfterFileList
\usepackage{currfile} % define \currfilepath
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% My Macros (Variable Placeholders)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Log Delimiters
\catcode`#=12 % Define out log output delimiter lines using # as catcode 12 instead of 6
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Initialize Variables and Define Context-specific log entry
\def\currnum{}% initialize (for when section not yet typeset)
\def\currtitle{}% initialize (for when section not yet typeset)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Create loop macro that supports macros as items
\newcommand\doforeach[2]{\renewcommand\do[1]{#2}\docsvlist{#1}}% Needs etoolbox http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/318875/how-can-i-loop-through-macros-with-foreach-and-pass-them-to-xapptocmd 
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Make Document Diagnostics Header
\space\space Document Diagnostics
Main File: \jobname.tex
Page Count: \thepage
% Patch loop (syntax: \doforeach{macro,macro,macro}{what to do for each item})
% Patches tag macros
\doforeach{latexmacro,latexmacrott,latexrebusttt,xparsemacro,xparsemacrott}{% macro names wmacout slashes
  \expandafter\ifx\csname #1-tracker\endcsname\relax
    % does not exist, so create it
    \expandafter\def\csname #1-tracker\endcsname{^^J^^J #1 ^^J\macloglineL^^J\macloglineB}
    % exists, do nothing
  \expandafter\xapptocmd\csname#1\endcsname{\expandafter\protected@xdef\csname #1-tracker\endcsname{\unexpanded\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname #1-tracker\endcsname}^^J==> \unexpanded{##1}           (\contextinfo)}}{\typeout{MACMessage: Successfully patched #1}}{\typeout{MACWarning: Failed to patch #1}}% 2 \expandafter needed, yet 3 are here because one is just to prep the \csname token.
\AtEndAfterFileList{\expandafter\typeout{\csname #1-tracker\endcsname^^J\macloglineE}}% Uncomment to enable tracking in log output

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% The following temporarily redefine sectioning commands to extract titleno and title as \currnum and \currtitle, respectively for \contextinfo
\let\oldsection\section%  Redefine section to grab number + title when tracking macros
\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{s o m}{%
  \stepcounter{section}% Extract the counter representation
  \protected@xdef\currtitle{#3}% Extract the title wmac possible tracked macros
  \IfBooleanTF{#1}% Regular section

\let\oldsubsection\subsection%  Redefine section to grab number + title when tracking macros
\RenewDocumentCommand{\subsection}{s o m}{%
  \stepcounter{subsection}% Extract the counter representation
  \addtocounter{subsection}{-1}% Restore for normal subsection
  \protected@xdef\currtitle{#3}% Extract the title wmac possible tracked macros
  \IfBooleanTF{#1}% Regular section

\RenewDocumentCommand{\subsubsection}{s o m}{%
  \stepcounter{subsubsection}% Extract the counter representation
  \addtocounter{subsubsection}{-1}% Restore for normal subsection
  \protected@xdef\currtitle{#3}% Extract the title wmac possible tracked macros
  \IfBooleanTF{#1}% Regular section

\let\oldparagraph\paragraph%  Redefine section to grab number + title when tracking macros
\RenewDocumentCommand{\paragraph}{s o m}{%
  \stepcounter{paragraph}% Extract the counter representation
  \addtocounter{paragraph}{-1}% Restore for normal subsection
  \protected@xdef\currtitle{#3}% Extract the title wmac possible tracked macros
  \IfBooleanTF{#1}% Regular section

\latexmacro{pre-section example}
\xparsemacro{pre-section example}
\latexmacro{post-section example}
\xparsemacro{post-section example}
\latexmacro{post-section example}
\xparsemacro{post-section example}
\latexmacro{post-section example}
\xparsemacro{post-section example}
\latexmacro{post-section example}
\xparsemacro{post-section example}
%\section{\latexmacrott{in-section call}}
%\section{\latexrebusttt{in-section call}}
\section{\xparsemacro{in-section call}}
\section{\xparsemacrott{in-section call}}
%\subsection{\latexmacro{in-subsection call}\xparsemacro{in-subsection call}}
%\subsubsection{\latexmacro{in-subsubsection call}\xparsemacro{in-subsubsection call}}
%\paragraph{\latexmacro{in-paragraph call}\xparsemacro{in-paragraph call}}
