如何在 tabularx 环境中进行多行?

如何在 tabularx 环境中进行多行?





\caption{Table of Variables}
\textbf{Variables} & \textbf{Description:} \tabularnewline

return on equity (ROE)
& Return on equity can can be found and should be picked from the annual report or quarter report of these 13 commercial banks(See Appendix 2)\tabularnewline

Tier 1 capital                      \\
Capital buffer                      \\
Risk-weighted assets                \\
Loan-to-deposit ratio   \\
& Bank-specific factors can be found and should be picked from the annual report or quarter report of these 15 commercial banks(See Appendix 2)

& Using dummy variable to denote ownership. State-owned banks (including BOC, ICBC, CCB, ABC) are equal to 1, the others are equal to 0 \tabularnewline

& China NBS Quarterly Data\\
 available from 1992-2016 Q1 \tabularnewline

Central bank interest rate
OECD Data \\
 Short-term interest rates quarterly data\\
Long-term interest rate will be used if available\\
 available from 1997 Q3 - 2015 Q1 \tabularnewline








  \caption{Table of Variables}
  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ c >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }
    \textbf{Variables} & \textbf{Description:} \\
    return on equity (ROE) & Return on equity can can be found and should be picked 
                             from the annual report or quarter report of these~13 
                             commercial banks (See Appendix~2) \\
    \begin{tabular}[t]{ @{}c@{} }
      Tier 1 capital        \\
      Capital buffer        \\
      Risk-weighted assets  \\
      Loan-to-deposit ratio
      & Bank-specific factors can be found and should be picked from the annual 
        report or quarter report of these~15 commercial banks (See Appendix~2) \\
    Ownership & Using dummy variable to denote ownership. State-owned banks (including 
                BOC, ICBC, CCB, ABC) are equal to~1, the others are equal to~0 \\
    GDP & China NBS Quarterly Data \\
        &  available from 1992-2016 Q1 \\
    Central bank interest rate & OECD Data \\
     & Short-term interest rates quarterly data \\
     & Long-term interest rate will be used if available \\
     & available from 1997 Q3 - 2015 Q1 \\




以下是使用 的解决方案makecell:此包定义了两个主要命令,允许换行和对其内容进行通用格式化,\makecell以及thead。我还加载了caption,以便在标题和表格之间留出合适的垂直间距,并将文档的字体大小更改为 12 pt(13pt标准类不存在)。


\usepackage{makecell, caption}


\caption{Table of Variables}
\thead{Variables} & \thead{Description} \tabularnewline

return on equity (ROE)
& Return on equity can can be found and should be picked from the annual report or quarter report of these 13 commercial banks(See Appendix 2)\tabularnewline

\makecell[t]{Tier 1 capital \\
Capital buffer \\
Risk-weighted assets \\
Loan-to-deposit ratio}
& Bank-specific factors can be found and should be picked from the annual report or quarter report of these 15 commercial banks(See Appendix 2)
& Using dummy variable to denote ownership. State-owned banks (including BOC, ICBC, CCB, ABC) are equal to 1, the others are equal to 0 \tabularnewline

& China NBS Quarterly Data\\
 available from 1992-2016 Q1 \tabularnewline

Central bank interest rate
OECD Data \\
 Short-term interest rates quarterly data\\
Long-term interest rate will be used if available\\
 available from 1997 Q3 - 2015 Q1 \tabularnewline



