Acro 仅打印一个班级的最终条目

Acro 仅打印一个班级的最终条目


以下是我的序言中包含的 acro:

\usepackage[]{acro}           % to make acronym/symbol glossary




% class `abbrev': abbreviations:
  short = CRF ,
  long  = conditional random field ,
  class = abbrev


  short = VOI ,
  long  = value of information ,
  class = abbrev

  short = DMTSP ,
  long  = dynamic multi-target search problem ,
  class = abbrev

% class `nomencl': nomenclature

  short = $k$ ,
  long  = Discrete time index ,
  sort  = a ,
  class = nomencl


  short = $X_k$ ,
  long  = $n$-dimensional vector of state variables at time $k$ ,
  sort  = a ,
  class = nomencl

  short = $D_k$ ,
  long  = Random variable of softmax class selected at time $k$ ,
  sort  = a ,
  class = nomencl


您的类命名法的首字母缩写都包含字段sort = a。显然,此字段必须具有唯一值,否则第二个条目将覆盖第一个条目,第三个条目将覆盖第二个条目。删除 -fields sort,或将其更改为如下内容:

  short = $k$ ,
  long  = Discrete time index ,
  sort  = a ,
  class = nomencl

  short = $X_k$ ,
  long  = $n$-dimensional vector of state variables at time $k$ ,
  sort  = b ,
  class = nomencl

  short = $D_k$ ,
  long  = Random variable of softmax class selected at time $k$ ,
  sort  = c ,
  class = nomencl


此错误行为已在 v2.6 中修复:


\usepackage{acro}[2016/07/20] % v2.6 or newer
  short = f ,
  long  = foo ,
  sort = a
  short = b ,
  long  = bar ,
  sort = d
  short = bz ,
  long  = baz ,
  sort = a





