% \newcommand \defeq {\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}}
\newcommand \catname [1] {\mathcal{#1}}
\DeclareMathOperator \defeq {\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}}
\DeclareMathOperator \compose {\circ}
%What's wrong with these?
\DeclareMathOperator {\composeh*} {\odot\limit}
\DeclareMathOperator {\composet*} {\cdot\limit}
\newcommand \Alpha A
\newcommand \Beta B
\newcommand \Epsilon E
\newcommand \Tau T
% Why a blank page before title page?
\title{A Proposed Unification of Manifolds and Fibre Bundles}
\author{Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz}
\thanks{I wish to thank Milton Parnes, the Mathematics department of Wayne State University and the Mathematics department
of the State University of New York at Buffalo for guiding my mathematical education}
body text
施穆埃尔(西摩 J.)梅斯
附加页面是由于 造成的\thanks
,请尝试在 内使用它author{}
\author{Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz\thanks{I wish to thank Milton Parnes, the Mathematics department of Wayne State University and the Mathematics department of the State University of New York at Buffalo for guiding my mathematical education}}