如何找出 pdftex 的使用位置

如何找出 pdftex 的使用位置

我是 LaTeX 的新手,所以如果这个问题听起来很愚蠢,请原谅。


!Package pdftex.def Error: Option 'pdftex' requires pdfTeX

但是,我不明白我的模板在哪里使用了 pdftex 选项。它是哪个包?还是我遗漏了什么?

% This one will format for two-sided binding (ie left and right pages have mirror margins; blank pages inserted where needed):

% This adds a "DRAFT" footer to every normal page.  (The first page of each chapter is not a "normal" page.)
\fancyfoot[C]{\emph{DRAFT Printed on \today}}  

% This highlights (in blue) corrections marked with (for words) \mccorrect{blah} or (for whole
% paragraphs) \begin{mccorrection} . . . \end{mccorrection}.  This can be useful for sending a PDF of
% your corrected thesis to your examiners for review.  Turn it off, and the blue disappears.

% The humanities-type option: author-year in-text citation with an alphabetical works cited.
\usepackage[style=authoryear, sorting=nyt, backend=biber, maxcitenames=2, useprefix, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}
\newcommand*{\bibtitle}{Works Cited}

%special characters

% This makes the bibliography left-aligned (not 'justified') and slightly smaller font.

% Change this to the name of your .bib file (usually exported from a citation manager like Zotero or EndNote).

%float package

% package for lists
\ListProperties(Hide=100, Hang=true, Progressive=3ex, Style*=-- ,
Style2*=$\bullet$ ,Style3*=$\circ$ ,Style4*=\tiny$\blacksquare$ )

%package for columns

\usepackage{polyglossia} % English language/hyphenation
\usepackage{sectsty} % Allows customizing section commands


