





  1. A.1.3 — 10在所有浮动计数器
    以及作者希望使用的任何其他计数器中排版完整的章节编号(例如:) 。

  2. 提供自动选择当前截面深度的选项。

  3. 允许作者在序言和文档中设置选项。

  4. 如果选项已经设置,则允许作者在文档中间更改选项。




如何使用 if 开关输出\determineSection如下代码:

  • subsubsection
  • \thesubsection




% meta tools
\usepackage{etoolbox}                   % allows if/else statements in code. [required for: standalone+nocite fix, equation numbering.]

% math
\usepackage{mathtools}                  % includes amsmath, supplements it.

% font
\usepackage{listings}                   % improved version of verbatim. imports script languages (with syntax coloring).

\usepackage{color}                      % color commands.
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}         % additional color commands.

% layout: page/spacing/headings
\usepackage{appendix}                   % appendices.
\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage}           % improved header commands. [supercedes `fancyhdr' package].

% references
\usepackage{tocloft}                    % allows generation of list of equations. (used in MWE only.)
\usepackage{chngcntr}                   % allows changes mid-document to section depth of equation counter reset.

% floats: figures/tables/lists

% Sectioned Counters:

% Save a copy of the original float counters.
% Create blank commands which will later act as variable rich-format counters.
\newcommand{\sectionedFigure  }{.}
\newcommand{\sectionedTable   }{.}
\newcommand{\sectionedListing }{.}
% Set the float counters to the rich-format counter commands.

% Command: Determine Section
\newcommand{\determineSection}{%  [Provides full section counter of current section, independent of the section depth.]
  \ifnum\value{subsubsection} > 0
  \ifnum\value{paragraph}     > 0 
  \ifnum\value{subparagraph}  > 0 \theparagraph
  \else                           \thesubsubsection  \fi
  \else                           \thesubsection     \fi
  \else                           \thesection        \fi

% Command: Sectioned Counter
\newcommand{\sectionedCounterStyle}[2]{#2--\arabic{#1}} % Input #1: equation, lstlisting, table, figure
                                                        % Input #2: \determineSection, \thesection, \thesubsection, ..

\newcommand{\sectionedCounter}     [2]                  % Input #1: \determineSection, \thesection, \thesubsection, ..
{                                                       % Input #2:           section,     section,     subsection, ..
  \counterwithin*{equation}  {#2} % Reset counter whenever there is a new \section
  \counterwithin*{figure}    {#2}
  \counterwithin*{table}     {#2}
  \counterwithin*{lstlisting}{#2} % The listings counter is not actually defined until \AtBeginDocument. 
                                  % Thus, if using this command (including listings) within the preamble, 
                                  %   use ``\AtBeginDocument{\sectionedCounter{<input>}}'' instead.

  \renewcommand{\sectionedEquation}{\sectionedCounterStyle{equation}  {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedFigure  }{\sectionedCounterStyle{figure}    {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedTable   }{\sectionedCounterStyle{table}     {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedListing }{\sectionedCounterStyle{lstlisting}{#1}}  

% Set float counters to include their full section number.
% -\determineSection is chosen by default as a catch-all, such that
%   float counters adapt to any section level when running standalone subfiles
%   which do not contain a \sectionedCounter command.
%   It is assumed that in most cases, the author will set the counter depth to a specific level.

% Settings for importing scripts [listings package]
\lstset{frame = single}

% Settings for creating Lists of Equations
\newcommand{\listnameEquations}{List of Equations}


%! arara: lmkclean
%! arara: pdflatex: {   draft: yes }
%! arara: bibtex
%  arara: pdflatex: {   draft: yes }
%  arara: pdflatex: { synctex: yes }
%  arara: lmkclean

\input{\main/Subfiles/Preamble.tex}                     % Preamble [document configuration]


\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Contents}      \tableofcontents   \clearpage
\addtocontents  {toc}{\string\vspace{-1em}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Equations}     \listofequations   \clearpage
\addtocontents  {toc}{\string\vspace{-1em}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Code Listings} \lstlistoflistings \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ null.1} \label{eq:null.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation null.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ null.2} \label{eq:null.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation null.2}

\addtocontents  {equ}{\string\vspace{+1em}}

\section{Section 1} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.0.1} \label{eq:1.0.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.0.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.0.2} \label{eq:1.0.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.0.2}

\subsection{Subsection 1.1} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.1.1} \label{eq:1.1.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.1.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.1.2} \label{eq:1.1.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.1.2}

\subsection{Subsection 1.2} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.2.1} \label{eq:1.2.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.2.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 1.2.2} \label{eq:1.2.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 1.2.2}

\addtocontents  {equ}{\string\vspace{+1em}}

\section{Section 2} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.0.1} \label{eq:2.0.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.0.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.0.2} \label{eq:2.0.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.0.2}

\subsection{Subsection 2.1} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.1.1} \label{eq:2.1.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.1.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.1.2} \label{eq:2.1.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.1.2}

\subsection{Subsection 2.2} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.2.1} \label{eq:2.2.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.2.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ 2.2.2} \label{eq:2.2.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation 2.2.2}

\addtocontents  {equ}{\string\vspace{+1em}}


\section{Section A} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.0.1} \label{eq:A.0.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.0.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.0.2} \label{eq:A.0.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.0.1}

\subsection{Subsection A.1} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.1.1} \label{eq:A.1.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.1.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.1.2} \label{eq:A.1.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.1.2}

\subsection{Subsection A.2} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.2.1} \label{eq:A.2.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.2.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ A.2.2} \label{eq:A.2.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation A.2.2}

\addtocontents  {equ}{\string\vspace{+1em}}

\section{Section B} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.0.1} \label{eq:B.0.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.0.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.0.2} \label{eq:B.0.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.0.2}

\subsection{Subsection 1.1} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.1.1} \label{eq:B.1.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.1.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.1.2} \label{eq:B.1.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.1.2}

\subsection{Subsection 1.2} \clearpage

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.2.1} \label{eq:B.2.1} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.2.1}

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Equation\ B.2.2} \label{eq:B.2.2} \end{equation} \eqRef{Equation B.2.2}










% Sectioned Counters:

% Save a copy of the original float counters.

% Create blank commands which will later act as variable rich-format counters.
\newcommand{\sectionedEquation}{\arabic{equation}  }
\newcommand{\sectionedFigure  }{\arabic{figure}    }
\newcommand{\sectionedTable   }{\arabic{table}     }
\newcommand{\sectionedListing }{\arabic{lstlisting}}

% Set the float counters to the rich-format counter commands.

% Command: Determine Section
\newcommand{\determineSection}{%  [Provides full section counter of current section, independent of the section depth.]
  \ifnum\value{subsubsection} > 0
  \ifnum\value{paragraph}     > 0 
  \ifnum\value{subparagraph}  > 0     paragraph%
  \else                           subsubsection\fi
  \else                              subsection\fi
  \else                                 section\fi

% Command: Sectioned Counter
\newcommand{\sectionedCounterStyle}[2]{\csname the#2\endcsname--\arabic{#1}} 
  % Input #1: equation, lstlisting, table, figure
  % Input #2: \determineSection, \thesection, \thesubsection, ..
\newcommand{\sectionedCounter}     [1]{
  % Input #1: \determineSection,     section,     subsection, ..

  \counterwithout*{equation}  {section} 
  \counterwithout*{figure}    {section}
  \counterwithout*{table}     {section}

  \counterwithout*{equation}  {subsection} 
  \counterwithout*{figure}    {subsection}
  \counterwithout*{table}     {subsection}

  \counterwithout*{equation}  {subsubsection} 
  \counterwithout*{figure}    {subsubsection}
  \counterwithout*{table}     {subsubsection}

  \counterwithout*{equation}  {paragraph} 
  \counterwithout*{figure}    {paragraph}
  \counterwithout*{table}     {paragraph}

  \counterwithout*{equation}  {subparagraph} 
  \counterwithout*{figure}    {subparagraph}
  \counterwithout*{table}     {subparagraph}

  \counterwithin{equation}  {#1}   % Reset counter whenever there is a new \section
  \counterwithin{figure}    {#1}
  \counterwithin{table}     {#1}
  \counterwithin{lstlisting}{#1}   % The listings counter is not actually defined until \AtBeginDocument. 
                                   % Thus, if using this command (including listings) within the preamble, 
                                   %   use ``\AtBeginDocument{\sectionedCounter{<input>}}'' instead.

  \renewcommand{\sectionedEquation}[1]{\sectionedCounterStyle{equation}  {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedFigure  }[1]{\sectionedCounterStyle{figure}    {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedTable   }[1]{\sectionedCounterStyle{table}     {#1}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionedListing }[1]{\sectionedCounterStyle{lstlisting}{#1}}  

% Set float counters to include their full section number.
% -\determineSection is chosen by default as a catch-all, such that
%   float counters adapt to any section level when running standalone subfiles
%   which do not contain a \sectionedCounter command.
%   It is assumed that in most cases, the author will set the counter depth to a specific level.
