\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text
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%\else% uncomment this else to get odd/even instead of even/odd
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\caption{First (verso) figure}
\caption{Second (recto) figure}
\clearpage % force-flush the second figure as well
\lipsum[6-15] % more filler text: fill rest of p. 1, then continue on p. 4
\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text
\hrule % to indicate start of "afterpage" material
\clearpage% flush all other floats
%\else% uncomment this else to get odd/even instead of even/odd
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\caption{First (verso) figure}
\caption{Second (recto) figure}
% force-flush the second figure as well
\lipsum[6-15] % more filler text: fill rest of p. 1, then continue on p. 4