实际情况要复杂得多,涉及自定义环境和长表。但是,可以使用以下 MWE 生成问题。
\anotherset{a}{This works fine, no table, text only}
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter
\anotherset{b}{This DOES NOT work, table ONLY is forced to move to next page}
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter
\anotherset{c}{This works as well, table remains in the same page}
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter
我的改编工作正常,除了当表格单独被强制移至下一页时。类似的对象(例如 minipage)也会发生同样的情况。当同一页中的表格之前有一些文本时,这种方法工作正常。
这一切所做的就是用 替换\label
\newcommand{\tplabel}[1]% #1 = label name
\anotherset{a}{This works fine, no table, text only}
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter
\anotherset{b}{This DOES NOT work, table ONLY is forced to move to next page}
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter
\anotherset{c}{This works as well, table remains in the same page}
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
One row\\
% Remember to adjust double increment of the same counter