

我正在使用 amsbook 文档类,表格和图片列表的缩进非常小(从左侧开始),与章节和表格/图片编号冲突。我无法使用 tocloft 包,因为它与 amsbook 不兼容。我发现答案,但它没有我想要的。(虚线很好,以前没有)。有没有办法将标题稍微向右缩进一点?

以下是我目前情况的 MWE:


% Editing the toc page with amsbook document class
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/297277/111537

% 'Table of contents' instead of 'Contents'
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents}
% Use the next line if you want capital letters
%\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase{Table of contents}}

% Uppercase 'CHAPTER' label in toc

% Leader dots in toc
%\renewcommand\@pnumwidth{2em} % <-- depending on the total number of pages

%  ************  begin my definitions  *******************

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20837/section-numbering-with-chapter-in-amsbook
% show chapter numbers in sections!

% do the same for tables and figures:






\chapter{Seminorms and the Minkowski functional}

\chapter{Convex polytopes}















本例中的数字没有重叠,但您可以看到最后两个数字之间的间距很小。我想在它们之间添加 3-4 个字符的额外间距。



目录有一个精心设计的系统来测量所需的空间,但表格和图形的列表最初仅被分配了 1.5pc 的宽度。


% Editing the toc page with amsbook document class
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/297277/111537

% 'Table of contents' instead of 'Contents'
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents}
% Use the next line if you want capital letters
%\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase{Table of contents}}

% Uppercase 'CHAPTER' label in toc

% Leader dots in toc
%\renewcommand\@pnumwidth{2em} % <-- depending on the total number of pages

\def\l@table{\@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{2.4em}{}}

%  ************  begin my definitions  *******************

% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20837/section-numbering-with-chapter-in-amsbook
% show chapter numbers in sections!

% do the same for tables and figures:





\chapter{Seminorms and the Minkowski functional}

\chapter{Convex polytopes}














