




\textbf{Approach}& \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\textbf{feature}}& \textbf{Cyc}  & \textbf{Usdhold \& King} & \textbf{Grüninger - Fox}& \textbf{KACTUS} & \textbf{METHONTOLOGY}& \textbf{SENSUS} & \textbf{On-To-Knowledge}     \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{*}{\textit{\textbf{Use Process}}}&\multicolumn{3}{l|}{Projects where the methodology has been used}& High Performance Knowledge Bases (HPKB)& Entreprise Project& TOVE& KACTUS& MKBEEM, OntoWeb, Esperonto, founded Spanish projects: "Usos de Ontologías en la Gestión de Conocimientos", "Prototipos deOntologías para el Medio ambiente", GUME.& Military air campaign planning project inDARPA & On-To-Knowledge, OntoWeb, SemiPort, AIFB Website, COST action "Modeling Real-Property Transactions\\ \cline{2-11}& \multicolumn{3}{l|}{Acceptation by external organisations}& Not known& Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña & Not Known& Not known& It is the recommended methodology to ontology development by FIPA (Foundation for Intelligence Physical Agents).& Not known & VU Amsterdam (NL), Aidministrator (NL), CognIT as (NO), SwissLife (SL), EnerSearch (SW) BT (UK), Ontoprise GmbH (DE), DFKI Kaiserslautern (DE), Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Publication and Information Systems (DE), FIZ Karlsruhe (DE) \\ \cline{2-11} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{Ontologies created by the methodology}& Cyc& Enterprise Ontology& TOVE& Electrical network ontologies& - CHEMICALS- Monatomic Ions Ontology- Environmental Pollutants- Reference Ontology- Restructured KA2 ontologies- Silicate Ontology- Knowledge management ontologies (KM-LIA)- MKBEEM ontologies- OntoRoadMap ontologies- Esperonto ontologies & Military air campaign planning ontologies      & Skills Management @ SwissLife,Virtual Organization @ EnerSearch,OntoShare @ BT,OntoWeb Portal,AIFB Portal \\ \cline{2-11}






  1. 将列对齐方式从 更改lp{.8in}

  2. 用于\RaggedRight最后 3 列

  3. 在以下位置添加了连字符点METH\-ON\-TOL\-OGY

  4. 诉诸于\tiny

  5. 减少\tabcolsep1pt

这是 MWE。虽然多列 2(cols2-4)比这些数据所需的宽度要宽,但 OP 的早期表格数据显示不需要过度压缩。显然,可以缩小前面的列,利用该空间来扩展后面的列宽。


\textbf{Approach}& \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\textbf{feature}}& \textbf{Cyc}  & \textbf{Usdhold \& King} & \textbf{Grüninger - Fox}& \textbf{KACTUS} & \textbf{METH\-ON\-TOL\-OGY}& \textbf{SENSUS} & \textbf{On-To-Knowledge}     \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{*}{\textit{\textbf{Use Process}}}&\multicolumn{3}{l|}{Projects where the methodology has been used}& High Performance Knowledge Bases (HPKB)& Entreprise Project& TOVE& KACTUS& MKBEEM, OntoWeb, Esperonto, founded Spanish projects: "Usos de Ontologías en la Gestión de Conocimientos", "Prototipos deOntologías para el Medio ambiente", GUME.& Military air campaign planning project inDARPA & On-To-Knowledge, OntoWeb, SemiPort, AIFB Website, COST action "Modeling Real-Property Transactions\\ \cline{2-11}& \multicolumn{3}{l|}{Acceptation by external organisations}& Not known& Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña & Not Known& Not known& It is the recommended methodology to ontology development by FIPA (Foundation for Intelligence Physical Agents).& Not known & VU Amsterdam (NL), Aidministrator (NL), CognIT as (NO), SwissLife (SL), EnerSearch (SW) BT (UK), Ontoprise GmbH (DE), DFKI Kaiserslautern (DE), Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Publication and Information Systems (DE), FIZ Karlsruhe (DE) \\ \cline{2-11} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{Ontologies created by the methodology}& Cyc& Enterprise Ontology& TOVE& Electrical network ontologies& - CHEMICALS- Monatomic Ions Ontology- Environmental Pollutants- Reference Ontology- Restructured KA2 ontologies- Silicate Ontology- Knowledge management ontologies (KM-LIA)- MKBEEM ontologies- OntoRoadMap ontologies- Esperonto ontologies & Military air campaign planning ontologies      & Skills Management @ SwissLife,Virtual Organization @ EnerSearch,OntoShare @ BT,OntoWeb Portal,AIFB Portal \\ \cline{1-11}




