\node[draw, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=8mm, label=left:6, label=below:$10^5$] (A) {A};
\node[right=1mm of A] (p) {$\times$};
\node[draw, minimum width=8mm, minimum height=3cm, label=-60:$10^5$, label=6, right=1mm of p] (x) {x};
\node[right=1mm of x] (e) {$=$};
\node[draw, minimum size=8mm, label=right:6, label=6, right=1mm of e] (B) {B};
\node[draw, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=8mm, label=left:6, label=below:$10^5$] (A) {A};
\node[draw, minimum width=8mm, minimum height=3cm, label=left:$10^5$, label=6, below right= 0 and 8mm of A.north east] (x) {x};
\node[draw, minimum size=8mm, label=right:6, label=6, below right=0 and 8mm of x.north east] (B) {B};
\path (A.east) -- node{$\times$} (A-|x.west);
\path (B-|x.east) -- node {$=$} (B.west);