\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, quotes}
node distance=5mm and 30mm,
box/.style = {draw, minimum height=12mm, align=center},
sy+/.style = {yshift= 2mm},
sy-/.style = {yshift=-2mm},
every edge quotes/.style = {align=center}
\node (n1) [box] {\textbf{Party A}\\(fixed rate payer)};
\node (n2) [box,right=of n1] {\textbf{Party B}\\(fixed rate payer)};
([sy+] n1.east) to [above,"Nation $\times$ fixed\\ mortality rate"] ([sy+] n2.west);
\draw[thick,-Triangle, dashed]
([sy-] n2.west) -- ([sy-] n1.east);
node distance=5mm and 44mm,
box/.style = {draw, minimum height=12mm, inner xsep=3mm, align=center},
sy+/.style = {yshift= 2mm},
sy-/.style = {yshift=-2mm},
every edge quotes/.style = {align=center},
font = \sffamily
\node (n1) [box] {Aegon\\(Hedger)};
\node (n2) [box,right=of n1] {Deutche\\Bank};
\draw[thick,-Triangle, dashed]
([sy+] n2.west) to [above,"Floating payments' linked\\
to \textbf{realized} mortality rates"] ([sy+] n1.east);
\draw[very thick,-Triangle]
([sy-] n1.east) to[below,"Fixed payments"] ([sy-] n2.west);