我创建了一个环境,它接受输入并创建表格。下面提供了此环境的 MWE。我现在想做的是修改表格格式输入。
此表具有使标题行具有粗体文本的内置方法,但是此方法依赖于将命令 \clearrow 附加到格式化输入的末尾。当用户未|
|C{0.2}L{0.2}R{0.2}L{0.4}| -> C{0.2}|L{0.2}|R{0.2}|L{0.4}
|C{0.2}|L{0.2}|R{0.2}|L{0.4}| -> C{0.2}|L{0.2}|R{0.2}|L{0.4}
C{0.25}L{0.75} -> C{0.25}|L{0.75}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % Provides coloring for tables and text
\usepackage{tabularx} % Customized table formatting
\RequirePackage{environ} % Used to define custom table environment
% Define table related commands and properties
\definecolor{greyblue}{rgb}{0.6353,0.6863,0.7686} % Define a color used in the tables
\newcommand\setrow[1]{\gdef\rowmac{#1}#1\ignorespaces} % Used for making a row bold
\newcommand\clearrow{\global\let\rowmac\relax} \clearrow % Used for clearing a row formatting
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\hsize\rowmac\centering\arraybackslash}X} % Centered column, input is relative width of page
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\hsize\rowmac\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % Left-aligned column, input is relative width of page
\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\hsize\rowmac\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % Left-aligned column, input is relative width of page
% Defines an environment to create a table in the document according to
% a common formatting. This uses the environ package.
\rowcolor{greyblue} \setrow{\bfseries} % Make the header row bold and colored grey-blue
{Table Caption}
{1} { C{0.25}L{0.75} }
Heading 1 & Heading 2 \\
Text 1 & Text 2 \\