Planet suihfsdhfh sohdfs9dh sdoifjis jdfsjdfo & Features\\[5pt]
Mercury & Lunar like crust, crustal faulting, small magnetic
Jupiter & Covered by clouds, dark ring of dust, magnetic field.\\
Saturn & Several cloud layers, magnetic field, thousands
of rings.\\
Uranus & Layers of cloud and mist, magentic field, some rings.\\
Neptune & Unable to detect from earth.\\
Pluto & Unable to detect from earth \\
Planet suihfsdhfh sohdfs9dh sdoifjis jdfsjdfo & Features\\\[5pt\]
Mercury & Lunar like crust, crustal faulting, small magnetic
Jupiter & Covered by clouds, dark ring of dust, magnetic field.\\
Saturn & Several cloud layers, magnetic field, thousands
of rings.\\
Uranus & Layers of cloud and mist, magentic field, some rings.\\
Neptune & Unable to detect from earth.\\
Pluto & Unable to detect from earth \\
Planet suihfsdhfh sohdfs9dh sdoifjis jdfsjdfo & Features\\[5pt]
Mercury & Lunar like crust, crustal faulting, small magnetic
Jupiter & Covered by clouds, dark ring of dust, magnetic field.\\
Saturn & Several cloud layers, magnetic field, thousands
of rings.\\
Uranus & Layers of cloud and mist, magentic field, some rings.\\
Neptune & Unable to detect from earth.\\
Pluto & Unable to detect from earth \\