

我希望我的 itemize 项目的“项目符号”与描述列表中的标签开头水平对齐。以下是 M(almost)WE:

\documentclass[10pt, varwidth, convert={size=640, density=600}, border=2]{standalone}
    \setlist[description]{nosep, topsep=0pt, labelindent=1em}
    \setlist[itemize]{nosep, topsep=0pt, labelindent*=1em, label={\textbf{--}}}

    \item First Item
    \item Second Item
    \item Third Item

    \item[Label] First Item
    \item[Another Label] Second Item
    \item[Yet Another Label] Third Item

我的 MWE 输出


编辑:提出的解决方案wide 几乎作品:

\documentclass[10pt, varwidth, convert={size=640, density=600}, border=2]{standalone}
    \setlist[description]{nosep, labelindent=1em}
    \setlist[itemize]{nosep, wide=1em, label={\textbf{--}}}

    \item First Item
    \item Second Item with a really long amount of text that causes it to go onto a second line because I'm trying really hard to write a long sentence here.
    \item Third Item

    \item[Label] First Item
    \item[Another Label] Second Item with a really long amount of text that causes it to go onto a second line because I'm trying really hard to write a long sentence here.
    \item[Yet Another Label] Third Item

修改后的 MWE 的输出




\documentclass[10pt, border=4pt, varwidth]{standalone}
    \setlist[description]{nosep, topsep=0pt, labelindent=1em, leftmargin=\dimexpr\leftmargini-\fontdimen2\font\relax}%
    \setlist[itemize]{nosep, topsep=0pt, wide = 1em, label={\textbf{--}},leftmargin=*}


    \item First Item
    \item Second Item with a really long amount of text that causes it to go onto a second line because I'm trying really hard to write a long sentence here.
       \item Third Item

    \item[Label] First Item.
    \item[Another Label] Second Item with a really long amount of text that causes it to go onto a second line because I'm trying really hard to write a long sentence here.
    \item[Yet Another Label] Third Item

\end{document} \setlist[description]{nosep, labelindent=1em}
\setlist[itemize]{nosep, wide=1em, label={\textbf{--}}}

