\in@ 的语法并使用宏作为参数

\in@ 的语法并使用宏作为参数


\newcommand{\activetags}{yellow, blue, red, green}

            \ifin@{}% If the element is in the second string do nothing
            \is@Strictfalse% If you find a non fitting string, mark strict as false.

\strictTest{#1}{\activetags}%  Check one being subset of the other
\strictTest{\activetags}{#1}% Check other being subset of the one
\ifis@Strict{The elements match!}\else{The elements don't match}\fi


\filter{yellow, blue, red, green}% This should show "The elements match!"
\filter{yellow, blue, red}% This should show "The elements don't match"
\filter{yellow, blue, red, green, purple}% This should show "The elements don't match"

\ifis@Strict{It works}\else{It failed}\fi% This should show "It works"


我似乎在任何地方都找不到有关语法的任何信息\in@。据我所知,它需要 2 个参数并测试其中一个参数以查看它是否包含在另一个子字符串中。这似乎可以满足我的需要,但我似乎无法让宏在其中展开。








      % If the element is in the second string do nothing
      \is@Strictfalse% If you find a non fitting string, mark strict as false.

  \strictTest{#1}{\activetags}%  Check one being subset of the other
  \docsvlist{#1} % here we want a space
  \strictTest{\activetags}{#1}% Check other being subset of the one
  \docsvlist{\activetags} % here we want a space
    The elements match!%
    The elements don't match%

\newcommand{\activetags}{yellow, blue, red, green}


\filter{yellow, blue, red, green}% This should show "The elements match!"

\filter{yellow, blue, red}% This should show "The elements don't match"

\filter{yellow, blue, red, green, purple}% This should show "The elements don't match"

%\ifis@Strict{It works}\else{It failed}\fi% This should show "It works"




\filter{green, yellow, blue, red}

将返回 false。没有逐项比较。

这里有一个实现,expl3它逐项比较两个列表,如果两个列表项一致,即使顺序不同,也返回 true。


\clist_new:N \l_jason_active_list_clist
\bool_new:N \l_jason_strict_bool

\cs_new_protected:Nn \jason_strict_test:n
  \bool_set_true:N \l_jason_strict_bool
  % check whether the input items are in the fixed list
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \clist_if_in:NnF \l_jason_active_list_clist { ##1 }
     { \bool_set_false:N \l_jason_strict_bool }
  % check whether the fixed items are in the input list
  \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_jason_active_list_clist
    \clist_if_in:nnF { #1 } { ##1 }
     { \bool_set_false:N \l_jason_strict_bool }

  \clist_set:Nn \l_jason_active_list_clist { #1 }

  \jason_strict_test:n { #1 }
  \bool_if:NTF \l_jason_strict_bool { #2 } { #3 }

\setactivelist{yellow, blue, red, green}


Match: \filter{yellow, blue, red, green}{The elements match}{The elements don't match}

Match: \filter{green, yellow, blue, red}{The elements match}{The elements don't match}

Not match: \filter{yellow, blue, red}{The elements match}{The elements don't match}

Not match: \filter{yellow, blue, red, green, purple}{The elements match}{The elements don't match}






\newcommand{\activetags}{yellow, blue, red, green}

        The elements match\par
        The elements don't match\par


\filter{yellow, blue, red, green}% This should show "The elements match!"
\filter{yellow, blue, red}% This should show "The elements don't match"
\filter{yellow, blue, red, green, purple}% This should show "The elements don't match"


