







\def\book##1{##1 }


\def\book##1{##1 }



May the \yhwh{Lord} answer\translatorsnote{2} you\studynote{3} when
you are in trouble;\studynote{4} may the God of Jacob\studynote{5}
make you secure!
May the \yhwh{Lord} answer you \crossref{a}in the day of trouble!  May
the \crossref{b}name of the \crossref{c}God of Jacob set you
\implied{securely} on high!



我遇到的问题是,当我尝试将环境\begin{...}\end{...}声明从每个单独的单元格移动到 tabu-table 的表 spec 参数时,代码不再编译。最终的想法是,也许为每个圣经翻译设置自定义列类型,以使最终“产品”尽可能轻松。

不幸的是,我对 LaTeX 的了解不足以理解这个问题,甚至不知道寻找解决方案的大致方向。这也是为什么我必须尽可能全面但紧凑地描述整个设置的原因。所以,如果你有想法如何更好地服务于社区,请随意编辑问题。




\def\book##1{##1 }


\def\book##1{##1 }



\begin{tabu}{>{\begin{net}}X<{\end{net}} >{\begin{nasb}}X<{\end{nasb}}}
% Moving \begin{...} and \end{...} declarations to previous line causes the problems.
May the \yhwh{Lord} answer\translatorsnote{2} you\studynote{3} when
you are in trouble;\studynote{4} may the God of Jacob\studynote{5}
make you secure!
May the \yhwh{Lord} answer you \crossref{a}in the day of trouble!  May
the \crossref{b}name of the \crossref{c}God of Jacob set you
\implied{securely} on high!



您想用环境包围第一X列的原因是什么?从您的示例来看,您在两个环境和net中定义的宏是相同的。我建议您将它们定义在顶层一次,不要经历麻烦。此外,我建议您不要重新定义 LaTeX 提供的宏(即使在课堂或中)。您可以使用 3 个参数定义来完成这项工作。我还建议不要使用长表;一旦您有一个长文档并且您失去了其他功能,它就会变得非常混乱。这里有一个解决方案:netnasbchapterarticleverse\biblerefparacol



  \noindent \textsuperscript{#1~#2:3}%


  With column synchronization:
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer\Translatorsnote{2}
  you\Studynote{3} when you are in trouble;\Studynote{4} may the God
  of Jacob\Studynote{5} make you secure!
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer you \Crossref{a}in
  the day of trouble!  May the \Crossref{b}name of the \Crossref{c}God
  of Jacob set you \Implied{securely} on high! \par
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer you \Crossref{a}in
  the day of trouble!  May the \Crossref{b}name of the \Crossref{c}God
  of Jacob set you \Implied{securely} on high!
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer\Translatorsnote{2}
  you\Studynote{3} when you are in trouble;\Studynote{4} may the God
  of Jacob\Studynote{5} make you secure!


  Without column synchronization:
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer\Translatorsnote{2}
  you\Studynote{3} when you are in trouble;\Studynote{4} may the God
  of Jacob\Studynote{5} make you secure!
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer you \Crossref{a}in
  the day of trouble!  May the \Crossref{b}name of the \Crossref{c}God
  of Jacob set you \Implied{securely} on high! \par
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer you \Crossref{a}in
  the day of trouble!  May the \Crossref{b}name of the \Crossref{c}God
  of Jacob set you \Implied{securely} on high!
  \Bibleref{Psa.}{20}{1} May the \Yhwh{Lord} answer\Translatorsnote{2}
  you\Studynote{3} when you are in trouble;\Studynote{4} may the God
  of Jacob\Studynote{5} make you secure!


