



\tikzstyle{block} = [draw, rectangle, minimum height=5.5em, minimum width=19em]
\tikzstyle{smallblock} = [draw, rectangle, minimum height=5.5em, minimum width=9em]
\tikzstyle{input} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{output} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{pinstyle} = [pin edge={to-,thin,black}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=7cm,>=latex',align=center]
    \node [input, name=input] {};
    \node [block, rounded corners=5pt, right of=input] (A) {Start with the narrowest product\\ or geographic market definition.};
    \node [block, rounded corners=5pt, below of=A, node distance=3.5cm] (B) {Is it profitable for a monopoly producer of\\ that product to increase prices in a small but\\ significant and nontransitory way?};  
    \node [block, rounded corners=5pt, below of=B, node distance=3.5cm] (C) {There must be at least one good substitute\\ excluded from the current market definition.\\ Expand the market to include it.};   
    \node [block, rounded corners=5pt, below of=C, node distance=3.5cm] (D) {Now have a multiproduct monopolist.\\ Could he profitably raise prices?}; 
    \node [smallblock, rounded corners=5pt, right of=D, node distance=8cm] (E) {Stop.\\ Market definition\\ is wide enough.}; 
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (A) -- node[auto][name=1] [right]{} (B);    
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (B) -- node[auto][name=2] [right]{No} (C);       
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (C) -- node[auto][name=3] [right]{} (D);     
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (D) -- node[auto][name=4] [above]{Yes} (E);
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (B) -| node[near start][name=5] [above]{Yes} (E); 
    \draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (D) -- +(0,1)|- node[auto][name=6] [left]{No} (C);                        
\caption[Illustration of an HMT decision tree]{Illustration of an HMT decision tree \citep{QuantTech}.}\label{AlgorithmHMT}

我想将 D 块与 C 块连接起来(参见最后一个\draw),但代码-- +(0,1)|- node(如另一个问题中所述)不起作用。我当然尝试过修改它,但并没有取得什么进展。






我大幅重写了你的 MWE

  • 弃用\tikzstyle{<name>} = [...]我用tikzpictureas选项替换的选项<name>/.style = {....}(请参阅下面的 MWE)
  • 正确tikzlibrary{positioning}的语法例如left=of <node name>
  • 对于节点距离,我positioning再次考虑并定义node distance = <vertical> and <horizontal>。对于距离,我选择的长度比你小得多(否则图片超出页面)
  • 对于相对定位,+您需要明确定义节点的锚点:(D.west) -- + (-1,0)

完成 MWE:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, calc, positioning, quotes, shapes}

    node distance = 11mm and 22mm,
      base/.style = {draw, rounded corners=5pt, minimum height=5.5em,
     block/.style = {base, minimum width=19em},
smallblock/.style = {base, minimum width=9em},
\coordinate (in);
\node [block,right=of in] (A) {Start with the narrowest product\\ 
                               or geographic market definition.};
\node [block,below=of A ] (B) {Is it profitable for a monopoly producer of\\ 
                               that product to increase prices in a small but\\ 
                               significant and nontransitory way?};
\node [block,below=of B ] (C) {There must be at least one good substitute\\ 
                               excluded from the current market definition.\\ 
                               Expand the market to include it.};
\node [block,below=of C ] (D) {Now have a multiproduct monopolist.\\ 
                               Could he profitably raise prices?};
\node [smallblock,right=of D] (E) {Stop.\\ 
                                   Market definition\\ 
                                   is wide enough.};
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] 
    (A) edge                    (B) 
    (B) edge ["No"]             (C)  
    (C) edge                    (D) 
    (D) edge ["Yes"]            (E);
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] 
    (B) -| node[pos=0.25,name=5] {Yes} (E);
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] 
    (D.west) -- +(-1,0) |- node[pos=0.25] {No} (C);
\caption[Illustration of an HMT decision tree]
        {Illustration of an HMT decision tree \citep{QuantTech}.}
