在 \vfill 之间填充

在 \vfill 之间填充


问题的 MWE:

    \item If $AM = MB$, then $M$ is the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.\vfill
    \item A right triangle cannot be isosceles.\vfill
    \item The supplement of an acute angle is acute.\vfill


Not-Quite-Answers 的 MWE:

    \item If $AM = MB$, then $M$ is the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.\\
        False: For example, if $\triangle ABM$ is equilateral then $AM = MB$ but not the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.
            \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$A$} -- (60:1) node[above] {$M$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
            \draw (60:.5)++(-30:.1) -- ++(-30:-.2);
            \draw (1,0)++(120:.5)++(30:.1) -- ++(30:-.2);
            \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
    \item A right triangle cannot be isosceles.\\
        False: If a triangle has angles of measures $45^\circ$, $45^\circ$, and $90^\circ$, then the triangle is both isosceles and right.
            \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$C$} -- (0,1) node[above] {$A$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
            \draw (0,0) rectangle (.2, .2);
            \draw (-.1,.5) -- (.1,.5);
            \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
    \item The supplement of an acute angle is acute.\\
        False: The supplement of $\angle A$ has measure $180^\circ - m\angle A$. If $\angle A$ is acute, then $m\angle A < 90^\circ$ and its supplement has measure $>90^\circ$, which means it is obtuse.\vfill









\newcommand{\mysol}[1]{\phantom{\parbox{\linewidth}{#1}}}% for student version
%\newcommand{\mysol}[1]{#1}% for teacher version
        \item If $AM = MB$, then $M$ is the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.\\
        \mysol{False: For example, if $\triangle ABM$ is equilateral then $AM = MB$ but not the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.
            \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$A$} -- (60:1) node[above] {$M$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
            \draw (60:.5)++(-30:.1) -- ++(-30:-.2);
            \draw (1,0)++(120:.5)++(30:.1) -- ++(30:-.2);
            \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
        \item A right triangle cannot be isosceles.\\
        \mysol{False: If a triangle has angles of measures $45^\circ$, $45^\circ$, and $90^\circ$, then the triangle is both isosceles and right.
            \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$C$} -- (0,1) node[above] {$A$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
            \draw (0,0) rectangle (.2, .2);
            \draw (-.1,.5) -- (.1,.5);
            \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
        \item The supplement of an acute angle is acute.\\
        \mysol{False: The supplement of $\angle A$ has measure $180^\circ - m\angle A$. If $\angle A$ is acute, then $m\angle A < 90^\circ$ and its supplement has measure $>90^\circ$, which means it is obtuse.}\vfill





上一个答案:\vspace{.3\textheight}那么,对于空问题使用显式的 ,对于包含答案的版本使用相同高度的小页面 怎么样?这样可以吗?

    \item If $AM = MB$, then $M$ is the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.\vspace{.3\textheight}
    \item A right triangle cannot be isosceles.\vspace{.3\textheight}
    \item The supplement of an acute angle is acute.\vspace{.3\textheight}
    \item If $AM = MB$, then $M$ is the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.\\
            False: For example, if $\triangle ABM$ is equilateral then $AM = MB$ but not the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$.
                \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$A$} -- (60:1) node[above] {$M$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
                \draw (60:.5)++(-30:.1) -- ++(-30:-.2);
                \draw (1,0)++(120:.5)++(30:.1) -- ++(30:-.2);
                \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
    \item A right triangle cannot be isosceles.\\
            False: If a triangle has angles of measures $45^\circ$, $45^\circ$, and $90^\circ$, then the triangle is both isosceles and right.
                \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$C$} -- (0,1) node[above] {$A$} -- (1,0) node[below right] {$B$} -- (0,0);
                \draw (0,0) rectangle (.2, .2);
                \draw (-.1,.5) -- (.1,.5);
                \draw (.5,.1) -- (.5,-.1);
    \item The supplement of an acute angle is acute.\\
            False: The supplement of $\angle A$ has measure $180^\circ - m\angle A$. If $\angle A$ is acute, then $m\angle A < 90^\circ$ and its supplement has measure $>90^\circ$, which means it is obtuse.


