

我想在表格环境后添加一个空格。我尝试使用 \vspace 命令,但它不起作用,它会在表格前的第一行和第二行之间添加空格,而不是在第一行和表格本身之间添加空格。有什么建议吗?


\begin{tabular}{||m{0.3\textwidth} | m{0.7\textwidth} ||}
    \hline \hline
    Instruments and measure set up & 
        \item Power supply
        \item Waveform generator ($f=1\mathrm{kHz}, V_{pp}=0.8943\mathrm{V}$) 
        \item Oscilloscope              
    Measured data &
        \item Output voltage: $V_o$
    Involved  variables, measured values and procedure & 
    Using \textit{Math Mode}, measure the voltage drop amplitude across the $8\mathrm\Omega$ resistor taking into account the $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$ factor of the RMS.\newline
    Applying the following formula:
    $$ P_o = I\cdot V_{o_{RMS}} =  \frac{V_{o_{RMS}}^{2}}{R_L} 
    = \frac{V_o^{2}}{2\cdot8\mathrm{\Omega}}$$
    we obtain the power delivered by the amplifier to the speaker.
    \hline \hline       
Specification: $1\mathrm{W} \le P_o \le 3\mathrm{W}$\\ \\
    \item $V_o=\frac{V_{pp}}{2}=\frac{7.68\mathrm V}{2}=3.84$V
{\Large \textbf{Result:} $P_o=0.92$W}  


稍微紧凑一点。单位和值已处理siunitx以确保它们排版正确。更改了表格第二列的宽度,以考虑 LaTeX 在列两侧添加的少量空间。删除了垂直线以使其更平滑一些。添加了包,parskip因为这似乎是您真正想要的。如果这是家庭作业,没有人会争论它,如果这是在论文或报告中,我会重新考虑整个演示。


\begin{tabular}{m{0.3\textwidth}  m{0.64\textwidth} }
    Instruments and measure set up & 
        \tabitem Power supply
        \tabitem Waveform generator ($f=\SI{1}{\kilo\hertz}, V_{pp}=\SI{0.8943}{\volt}$) 
        \tabitem Oscilloscope              
    Measured data &
        \tabitem Output voltage: $V_o$
    Involved  variables, measured values and procedure & 
    Using \textit{Math Mode}, measure the voltage drop amplitude across the \SI{8}{\ohm} resistor taking into account the $\sqrt{2}^{-1}$ factor of the RMS.\newline
    Applying the following formula:\par
    $\displaystyle P_o = I\cdot V_{o_\mathrm{{RMS}}} =  \frac{V_{o_{\text{RMS}}}^{2}}{R_L} 
     = \frac{V_o^{2}}{2\cdot\SI{8}{\ohm}}$\par
    we obtain the power delivered by the amplifier to the speaker.

Specification: $\SI{1}{\watt} \le P_o \le \SI{2}{\watt}$ 

    \tabitem $V_o=\frac{V_{pp}}{2}=\frac{\SI{7.68}{\volt}}{2}=\SI{3.84}{\volt}$

    {\Large \textbf{Result:} $P_o=\SI{0.92}{\watt}$



\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\usepackage{enumitem, nccmath}%


\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{YZ }
    Instruments and measure set up &
        \tabitem Power supply
        \tabitem Waveform generator ($f=\SI{1}{\kilo\hertz}, V_{pp}=\SI{0.8943}{\volt}$)
        \tabitem Oscilloscope
    Measured data &
        \tabitem Output voltage: $V_o$
    Involved variables, measured values and procedure &
    Using \textit{Math Mode}, measure the voltage drop amplitude across the \SI{8}{\ohm} resistor taking into account the $\sqrt{2}^{-1}$ factor of the RMS.\newline
    Applying the following formula:
    \[ P_o = I\cdot V_{o_\mathrm{{RMS}}} = \frac{V_{o_{\text{RMS}}}^{2}}{R_L}
     = \frac{V_o^{2}}{2\cdot\SI{8}{\ohm}} \]
    we obtain the power delivered by the amplifier to the speaker.

\begin{description}[font=\normalfont, leftmargin=0pt]
\item[Specification:] $\SI{1}{\watt} \le P_o \le \SI{2}{\watt}$.
\bullet\enspace V_o=\frac{V_{pp}}{2}=\frac{\SI{7.68}{\volt}}{2}=\SI{3.84}{\volt}

    {\Large \textbf{Result:} $P_o=\SI{0.92}{\watt}$


enter image description here
