第 2 页及以后的第一行远远低于水平线

第 2 页及以后的第一行远远低于水平线

我是这个论坛的新手,有一个问题需要解决。第 1 页之后的所有页面的第一行都远远低于页眉的水平线。我需要所有页面的第一行都从与第 1 页相同的距离开始。非常感谢任何帮助。文档如下:


\theoremstyle{plain} \numberwithin{equation}{section}
\newtheorem{finalremark}[theorem]{Final Remark}
\newtheorem{question}{Question} \topmargin-2cm


\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight}



\oddsidemargin  0.0in \evensidemargin 0.0in \parindent0em

\chead{\large{\bf Teaching Evaluation} \\
S. M. Khurshid Alam, PhD} 
\rfoot{\thepage /\pageref{LastPage}} 


\fancyhead[C]{{\bf \large Teaching Evaluation} \\
S. M. Khurshid Alam, PhD}
\fancyfoot[R]{\thepage /\pageref{LastPage}}

\textbf{University of Windsor} \\
University of Windsor conducts its course evaluations online or on-campus depending on the type of course delivery. Students in courses offered through Distance Education complete the Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) form online. On the other hand, students in courses offered through traditional in-class delivery, Partial Distance Education, or any other blended delivery/flexible learning format complete the SET form on campus. The SET are administered during the last two weeks of class prior to the beginning of the final exam period. Each evaluation has two parts, namely, evaluating the instructor, and rating the course.

\textbf{Evaluating the Instructor}:
Students are asked to evaluate the instructor on a scale of $1$ (Extremely Poor) to $7$ (Outstanding) from a total of $12$ questions. The questions are as follows: \\
\textbf{A. The instructor...}
\item presented material in an organized, well-planned manner
\item  used instructional time well
\item  explained content clearly with appropriate use of examples
\item was a clear and effective speaker
\item  communicated enthusiasm and interest in the course material
\item  stimulated your interest in the subject and motivated your learning
\item  attended to students' questions and answered them clearly
and effectively
\item  was open to students' comments and suggestions
\item  was sensitive to students' difficulties
\item  was approachable for additional help
\item  was accessible to students for individual consultation
(in office hours, after class, open-door, by e-mail, phone)
\item  The overall effectiveness of the instructor was

\caption{Teaching Evaluation Summary}
Course No.--Section: Course Name & Term & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Instructor}\hbox{\strut Score}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Course}\hbox{\strut Score}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Number}\hbox{\strut Enrolled}} & Responses \\ \hline
03-65-205--01:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2017 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2017 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2015 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--03:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2015 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--91:Statistics for the Sciences & Summer 2012 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2012 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--01:Statistics for the Sciences & Fall 2011   & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--91:Statistics for the Sciences & Summer 2011 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
\label{Table evaluation}




Package Fancyhdr Warning: \headheight is too small (12.0pt): 
 Make it at least 28.85002pt.
 We now make it that large for the rest of the document.
 This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.

由于您的标题为两行,因此分配给标题的默认垂直空间太小。fancyhdr在第 1 页上看到此问题,并在其余页面上修复此问题,这就是您看到的输出结果不同的原因。重新定义长度\headheight将使布局一致。



  • 我认为通常建议使用该parskip包而不是手动将其设置\parskip为零。

  • 您定义了两次页眉和页脚,这有点没意义,所以我删除了其中一个。

  • \bf已被弃用约 25 年,请改用\bfseries

  • 我建议使用该表格的一个新版本,使用更少的规则。

  • 您可以考虑使用\section和类似的命令,而不是使用手动格式化\textbf,或者定义您自己的宏。

  • 通常建议使用\centering而不是\begin{center} .. \end{center}来使浮动表格/图形居中,请参阅我应该对图形和表格使用 center 还是 centering ?

\usepackage{parskip} %%% added
\usepackage{booktabs} %%% added
  left=25mm, % left margin
  right=20mm, % right margin
  top=20mm, % top margin
  headsep=5pt, % space between header and text
  headheight=29pt % vertical space for header


% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/19678/586

\theoremstyle{plain} \numberwithin{equation}{section}
\newtheorem{finalremark}[theorem]{Final Remark}

\fancyhead[C]{{\bfseries \large Teaching Evaluation} \\
S. M. Khurshid Alam, PhD}
\fancyfoot[R]{\thepage /\pageref{LastPage}}


\usepackage{lipsum} % just for example


\textbf{University of Windsor}

University of Windsor conducts its course evaluations online or on-campus depending on the type of course delivery. Students in courses offered through Distance Education complete the Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) form online. On the other hand, students in courses offered through traditional in-class delivery, Partial Distance Education, or any other blended delivery/flexible learning format complete the SET form on campus. The SET are administered during the last two weeks of class prior to the beginning of the final exam period. Each evaluation has two parts, namely, evaluating the instructor, and rating the course.

\textbf{Evaluating the Instructor}:
Students are asked to evaluate the instructor on a scale of $1$ (Extremely Poor) to $7$ (Outstanding) from a total of $12$ questions. The questions are as follows: 

\textbf{A. The instructor...}
\item presented material in an organized, well-planned manner
\item  used instructional time well
\item  explained content clearly with appropriate use of examples
\item was a clear and effective speaker
\item  communicated enthusiasm and interest in the course material
\item  stimulated your interest in the subject and motivated your learning
\item  attended to students' questions and answered them clearly
and effectively
\item  was open to students' comments and suggestions
\item  was sensitive to students' difficulties
\item  was approachable for additional help
\item  was accessible to students for individual consultation
(in office hours, after class, open-door, by e-mail, phone)
\item  The overall effectiveness of the instructor was

\caption{Teaching Evaluation Summary}
\label{Table evaluation}
\begin{tabular}{ll *{4}{c} }
Course No.--Section: Course Name & Term & \specialcell{Instructor\\Score} & \specialcell{Course\\Score} & \specialcell{Number\\Enrolled} & Responses \\ \midrule
03-65-205--01:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2017 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2017 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2015 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--03:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2015 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--91:Statistics for the Sciences & Summer 2012 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--02:Statistics for the Sciences & Winter 2012 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--01:Statistics for the Sciences & Fall 2011   & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ 
03-65-205--91:Statistics for the Sciences & Summer 2011 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \bottomrule




您的问题是由于您\begin{table} ... \end{table}的文档中有一个浮动元素(。LaTeX 会在您的文档中移动它,以获得最佳的分页/换行/填充效果。



(in office hours, after class, open-door, by e-mail, phone)
\item  The overall effectiveness of the instructor was

%% NEW: some more text



03-65-205--01:Statistics for the Sciences & Fall 2011   & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
03-65-205--91:Statistics for the Sciences & Summer 2011 & NA & NA & NA & NA \\ \hline
\caption{Evaluation table.  Please fill out any box.}

%% New: even more text.


顺便说一句:\label-command 应该/必须直接放在\caption-command 后面。


