我正在为 AIP 的 RSI 期刊撰写一篇论文,并使用他们的模板(定位器在这里:http://rsi.peerx-press.org/html/rsi/rsi_latex_template.html)。在输出中,摘要确实有左边距(理应如此),但没有右边距(理应如此)。以下是我的代码的一部分
%% ****** Start of file rsitemplate.tex ****** %
%% This file has been edited from the original source file.
%% The original file is part of the revtex4-1 package indicated below.
%% Version 4.1 of 9 October 2009.
% This is a template for producing documents for use with
% the REVTEX 4.1 document class and the RSI substyle.
% Copy this file to another name and then work on that file.
% That way, you always have this original template file to use.
\documentclass[aip,rsi,reprint,graphicx]{revtex4-1} % for checking your page length
%\documentclass[aip,rsi,preprint,graphicx]{revtex4-1} % for review purposes
\draft % marks overfull lines with a black rule on the right
% Use the \preprint command to place your local institutional report number
% on the title page in preprint mode.
% Multiple \preprint commands are allowed.
\title{Capacitive-based dilatometer cell constructed of sapphire for measuring the thermal expansion of solids at low temperatures} %Title of paper
% repeat the \author .. \affiliation etc. as needed
% \email, \thanks, \homepage, \altaffiliation all apply to the current author.
% Explanatory text should go in the []'s,
% actual e-mail address or url should go in the {}'s for \email and \homepage.
% Please use the appropriate macro for the type of information
% \affiliation command applies to all authors since the last \affiliation command.
% The \affiliation command should follow the other information.
\author{D. T. W. Buckingham}
%\email[]{[email protected]}
\author{J. J. Neumeier}
%\email{[email protected]}
%\homepage[]{Your web page}
\affiliation{Department of Physics, Montana State University, P.O. Box 173840, Bozeman, Montana 59717-3840, USA}
% Collaboration name, if desired (requires use of superscriptaddress option in \documentclass).
%\noaffiliation is required (may also be used with the \author command).
% Abstract goes here.
A dilatometer cell that can detect sub angstrom changes in the length of solid specimens in the temperature range 0.3 K$<$\textit{T}$<$20 K, when used in conjunction with a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS\textsuperscript{\textregistered}), is described. It is constructed entirely from single crystal, c-axis oriented sapphire. This is a capacitive-based technique, where the spacing between two metalized plates allows detection of changes in length. It is also a relative measurement in the sense that the capacitor plate spacing is determined by the relative thermal expansions of the cell and sample. The advantage of using sapphire is that it has a very high thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity and a very low thermal expansion coefficient below 30 K. As a result, the dilatometer cell will obtain a fast thermal equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere, remain electrically insulated from the capacitive electrodes and, for most measurements, have little contribution to the capacitance change. The construction and performance are described. Thermal expansion measurements on pure H$_2$O ice Ih single crystal specimens will also be presented.
\pacs{65.40.De}% insert suggested PACS numbers in braces on next line
\maketitle %\maketitle must follow title, authors, abstract and \pacs
% Body of paper goes here. Use proper sectioning commands.
% References should be done using the \cite and \label commands.
This is the intro. It is very introductory. It is the best intro ever written in the world, a tribute.
\subsection{Cell design, construction and assembly}
The dilatometer cell is composed of two T-shaped pieces, both with the same shape and dimensions as shown...
% ****** End of file aiptemplate.tex ******
\documentclass[aip,rsi,reprint,graphicx]{revtex4-1} % for checking your page length
%\documentclass[aip,rsi,preprint,graphicx]{revtex4-1} % for review purposes
\usepackage{etoolbox}%%% for patching abstract
%%% Patch \abstract so it uses the same margin on the right as on the left,
%%% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/252045 for the reasons
\let\latexlist\list \rightskip=\leftskip
%%% End of patch
\title{Capacitive-based dilatometer cell constructed of sapphire for
measuring the thermal expansion of solids at low temperatures}
\author{D. T. W. Buckingham}
\author{J. J. Neumeier}
\affiliation{Department of Physics, Montana State University, P.O. Box 173840,
Bozeman, Montana 59717-3840, USA}
A dilatometer cell that can detect sub angstrom changes in the length of solid
specimens in the temperature range 0.3 K$<$\textit{T}$<$20 K, when used in
conjunction with a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System
(PPMS\textsuperscript{\textregistered}), is described. It is constructed
entirely from single crystal, c-axis oriented sapphire. This is a capacitive-based
technique, where the spacing between two metalized plates allows detection of
changes in length. It is also a relative measurement in the sense that the
capacitor plate spacing is determined by the relative thermal expansions of
the cell and sample. The advantage of using sapphire is that it has a very high
thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity and a very low thermal expansion
coefficient below 30 K. As a result, the dilatometer cell will obtain a fast
thermal equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere, remain electrically insulated
from the capacitive electrodes and, for most measurements, have little contribution
to the capacitance change. The construction and performance are described. Thermal
expansion measurements on pure H$_2$O ice Ih single crystal specimens will also
be presented.
\item A dilatometer cell that can detect sub angstrom changes in the length of solid
specimens in the temperature range 0.3 K$<$\textit{T}$<$20 K, when used in
conjunction with a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System
(PPMS\textsuperscript{\textregistered}), is described.
\item A dilatometer cell that can detect sub angstrom changes in the length of solid
specimens in the temperature range 0.3 K$<$\textit{T}$<$20 K, when used in
conjunction with a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System
(PPMS\textsuperscript{\textregistered}), is described.
This is the intro. It is very introductory. It is the best intro ever
written in the world, a tribute.
\subsection{Cell design, construction and assembly}
The dilatometer cell is composed of two T-shaped pieces, both with the
same shape and dimensions as shown...
Your abstract...