我希望能够在 reledmac/reledpar 中(具体来说,在 ledgroups 内)插入熟悉的脚注,这将在设备内生成文本,但不会在编辑的文本中留下脚注标记。
(我的目标是制作出与批注中的手稿装置相当的东西,但没有任何行号或段落编号,因为很明显它只指特定的 ledgroup。)
This is the main edited text, in the left column.\footnote{And footnotes for this text appear at the bottom of the whole page.}
This is text from manuscript A and some other sources\footnoteA{sources ] manuscripts B} that explain\footnoteA{explain ] clarify C} the text in the lefthand column\footnoteA{column ] portion D}. I'd like to list all the manuscripts on which this text is based (ABCDEFG) at the beginning of the paragraph of familiar footnoteAs, but without giving this information its own numbered footnote.
我的目标是制作出与批判性笔记中手稿装置相当的东西,但没有任何行号或段落编号,因为很明显它只涉及特定的 ledgroup
这是最重要的。您可以配置 reledmac 以不在关键脚注中打印任何数字。您必须同时使用\Xnonumber
This is the main edited text, in the left column.\footnote{And footnotes for this text appear at the bottom of the whole page.}
This is text from manuscript A and some other \edtext{sources}{\Afootnote{manuscripts B}} that \edtext{explain}{\Afootnote{clarify C}} the text in the lefthand \edtext{column}{\Afootnote{portion D}}. I'd like to list all the manuscripts on which this text is based (ABCDEFG) at the beginning of the paragraph of familiar footnoteAs, but without giving this information its own numbered footnote.
邀请您查看 reledmac 手册第 7 条中解释的所有选项。
附言:对于您的手稿装置问题,您可以使用 reledmac 手册第 6.4 节中解释的方法。但是,我不确定它是否适用于 ledgroup。更简单的方法是:1. 对变体使用 B 级脚注 2. 对手稿列表使用 A 级脚注 3. 使用没有引理分隔符的空关键脚注 4. 设置为在不使用引理分隔符时打印无空格 ( \Xinplaceoflemmaseparator{0pt}
这里是 MWE:
This is the main edited text, in the left column.\footnote{And footnotes for this text appear at the bottom of the whole page.}
\edtext{}{\Afootnote[nosep]{Your manuscript list}}
This is text from manuscript A and some other \edtext{sources}{\Bfootnote{manuscripts B}} that \edtext{explain}{\Bfootnote{clarify C}} the text in the lefthand \edtext{column}{\Bfootnote{portion D}}. I'd like to list all the manuscripts on which this text is based (ABCDEFG) at the beginning of the paragraph of familiar footnoteAs, but without giving this information its own numbered footnote.