Titlesec 的 \sectionbreak 在前面的部分为空后无法识别

Titlesec 的 \sectionbreak 在前面的部分为空后无法识别

使用文章类,我有一个命令\newcommand{\sectionbreak}{\clearpage}(通过titlesec包;参见这个答案) 会在每个新部分之前清除页面,以便从新页面开始。我现在遇到一种情况,即上一节仅包含一个长表(由 生成ltablex)。但是,在这种情况下,下一节不会从新页面开始,而是从多页表停止的地方开始。似乎只有\sectionbreak在上一节中有文本内容并且长表不会触发 时才适用\sectionbreak




\usepackage{titlesec}                   % Used to specify new section properties
\usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor}   % Provides coloring for tables and text
\usepackage{ltablex}                    % Customized table formatting (uses tabularx and longtable)
\usepackage{environ}                    % Used to define custom table environment

% Used to split the header from the table content

% Defines an environment to create a table in the document according to
% a common formatting. This uses the environ package.
    \expandafter\split@doublebar\BODY\@nil % Split the body into the header and the content
        \caption{#1} \\ % Include the caption at the top of the table
        \rowcolor{greyblue} \setrow{\bfseries} % Make the header row bold and colored grey-blue
        \doctableheader \\
        \endfirsthead % Only show the caption for the first page
        \hiderowcolors \caption{Continued} \\ % Include a caption on subsequent pages that just says continued
        \showrowcolors % row coloring was turned off for the caption, now lets turn it back on
        \rowcolor{greyblue} \setrow{\bfseries} % Make the header row bold and colored grey-blue
        \endhead % End of header for all pages after first

% Fixes conflict between variable names in tabularx and xcolor
\expandafter\let\csname c@tblerows\endcsname\rownum

% Define various table properties and commands
\definecolor{greyblue}{rgb}{0.6353,0.6863,0.7686} % Define a color used in the tables
\newcommand\setrow[1]{\gdef\rowmac{#1}#1\ignorespaces} % Used for making a row bold
\newcommand\clearrow{\global\let\rowmac\relax} \clearrow % Used for clearing a row formatting
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\hsize\rowmac\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % Left-aligned column, input is relative width of page
\keepXColumns % Option from ltablex which keeps tabularx column sizes

% Command from titlesec to force new sectons on new pages
\newcommand{\sectionbreak}{\clearpage} % Force sections to start on new pages


    \section{First Section}

    \begin{doctable}{Some caption}
        Header 1 & Header 2 \\
        Content & Content \\
        Content & Content \\
        Content & Content \\

    \section{Second Section}

    This section is still on the same page as the First Section

    \section{Third Section}

    This section is on a new page.



longtable因此,如果紧跟在章节标题之后,tabularxwithltablex就不会重置为 false。\if@nobreak



<long table>


当 LaTeX 扫描到第二个\section命令时,它看到的\if@nobreak设置为 true (每个分段命令都会设置它,以避免两个连续标题之间出现分页符)。






\section{Title 1}


\section{Title 2}

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abc & def \\
abc & def \\
abc & def \\
abc & def \\

\section{Title 3}





