我发现在使用 {rotating} 包和 \begin{sidewaysfigure} 后很难组织内容。图像跳转到下一节,而表格显示在图像之前。我应该怎么做才能控制内容的顺序。我试过将宽度调整为 0.5\textwidth。但不起作用。这是最小的工作代码示例
\usepackage[left=2in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{sectsty} %to customise headings
\usepackage{times} %this is for the selection of font
\usepackage{caption} \captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=false, margin=1em}
\section{Section 1}
\includegraphics[ width=\textwidth , keepaspectratio ]{MainScreen.png}\\[-1em]
\caption{Customer Login Screen}
\captionof{table}{ \textbf {\small {Customer Login Screen}}} \label{table:2}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ | >{\ttfamily\raggedright\arraybackslash} s
| >{\ttfamily\raggedright\arraybackslash} t
| >{\ttfamily\raggedright\arraybackslash} t | }
{\textbf{\textcolor{black}{{Sr. No.} \newline}}} & {\textbf{\textcolor{black}{{Input Element}}}} & \textbf{\textcolor{black}{{Description \& Behaviour}}} \\
1.0 & Username Input Field & Textbox to accept registered username. Email ID or any other unique attribute shall not be accepted \\
2.0 & Password Input Field & Textbox to accept password associated with the Username \\
3.0 & Submit Button & To post the Username and password entered by the user to the server \\
4.0 & Alert & To notify User of incorrect or empty Username and / or password or an expired User session \\
\includegraphics[ width=\textwidth , keepaspectratio ]{LoginValidation.png}\\[-1em]
\caption{Customer Login Screen - Alert}
\section{Section 2}
我正在使用 PDFLatex 和 Texstudio 进行编译。希望得到建议。谢谢!
\includegraphics[ width=\textwidth , keepaspectratio ]{example-image-a}\\
\captionof{figure}{Customer Login Screen\label{fig:1}}