





\usepackage{palatino} % Font for document
\usepackage{hyperref} % Hyperlinks
\usepackage{titletoc} % Customization of TOC LOF LOT
\usepackage{tocloft} % Customization of TOC LOF LOT
\usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} % For shading in tables
\usepackage{ltxtable} % Instead of Longtable package %\caption package is offered with \Longtable
\usepackage{array} % For long tables, to define width of columns
\usepackage{booktabs} % Nicer spacing in columns
\usepackage{siunitx} % To write Celsius, etc.
\usepackage{enumitem} % To create item lists
\usepackage{threeparttable} % For table notes + To allow footnote material to stay with the tabular environment
\usepackage{caption} % To change way captions are labelled
\usepackage{etoolbox} % To make table footnote font smaller




    \caption{wegergegeg} \label{Rulers} \\
    No. & Name \& Title & Dates & Events \\
    \caption*{\autoref{Rulers} (\textit{Continued})} \\
    No. & Name \& Title & Dates & Events \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\ \bottomrule



我建议用 的版本longtable进行替换,并将最后的列类型替换为。tabularxltablexXp{7.3cm}



\usepackage{palatino} % Font for document
\usepackage{hyperref} % Hyperlinks
\usepackage{titletoc} % Customization of TOC LOF LOT
\usepackage{tocloft} % Customization of TOC LOF LOT
\usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} % For shading in tables
\usepackage{ltxtable} % Instead of Longtable package %\caption package is offered with \Longtable
\usepackage{array} % For long tables, to define width of columns
\usepackage{booktabs} % Nicer spacing in columns
\usepackage{siunitx} % To write Celsius, etc.
\usepackage{enumitem} % To create item lists
\usepackage{threeparttable} % For table notes + To allow footnote material to stay with the tabular environment
\usepackage{caption} % To change way captions are labelled
\usepackage{etoolbox} % To make table footnote font smaller




    \caption{wegergegeg} \label{Rulers} \\
    No. & Name \& Title & Dates & Events \\
    \caption*{\autoref{Rulers} (\textit{Continued})} \\
    No. & Name \& Title & Dates & Events \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\
    1& eytwety & etwet & etwt \\ \bottomrule


