

我正在使用 animate 包,并将要制作动画的 pdf 文件放在单独的文件夹中。我需要输入第一个和最后一个文件的数量,但偶尔会更改要制作动画的文件数量。有没有办法让 LaTex 自动计算文件夹中的文件数量?



我希望 LaTex 根据“pdfFolder”中的文件数量自动更新“numFiles”。



纯 LaTeX:(fileName_1.pdf ... fileName_?.pdf


%\setcounter{NumFiles}{-1} % fileName_0.pdf ... fileName_?.pdf




这是一种使用基本 Unix 命令和的方法\write18{},首先列出内容然后使用wc -l命令,将输出保存到 dummyvar.tex 并将该文件读入\numFiles宏。

当然,shell 脚本应该更加安全,即将其存储在单独的文件中,而不是countmyfiles.sh在其中获取该文件\write18{source countmyfiles.sh}




\write18{rm -f dummyvar.tex ; ls -l pdfFolder/fileName_* | wc -l > ./dummyvar.tex}
\read\numfileshandle to \numFiles

There are \numFiles Files


使用我的虚拟文件夹 pdfFolder 中的 20 个虚拟文件进行测试,得到 20 个输出。


Christian 拒绝了我关于使用管道输入功能的建议,但我仍然认为展示一下在这种情况下如何使用它可能会很有趣。请注意宏的参数\countfiles是如何预处理的,以便允许使用“特殊”字符,如 _均衡{和 的出现},同时允许宏(或更一般地,可扩展的控制序列)进行扩展,如下所示的\myDirName\jobname

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



% Beware: "special" characters like "_" that appear in the directory name must
% be either re-"\catcode"d or "\detokenize"d: the latter method is **much**
% simpler than the former, but it does **not** cope with filenames containing
% the "%" character, or unbalanced "{" and "}" characters, and in addition it
% requires e-TeX extensions (not at all a concern, these days!).
        \protected@edef\@tempa{#1}% before detokenizing, expand expandable (and 
                                  % unprotected) tokens
        % We use "\@inputcheck" for the temporary input pipe:
        \openin\@inputcheck "|ls -1 % the last character is the digit "one"
                \expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\@tempa} % space meant
                |wc -l% the last character is the letter "ell"
                "\relax % without the "\relax", the ensuing "\ifeof" would be 
                        % prematurely expanded
            % An error message could be triggered here.
            \typeout{WARNING: Could not read \protect\numFiles!}%
            \endlinechar \m@ne % cf. exercise 20.18
            \readline\@inputcheck to\@tempa
        \closein\@inputcheck % note: no "\immediate" needed for "\closein"




There are \arabic{numberOfFiles} files in the specified directory.


In the current directory there are:
    \quad 999\=\kill
            file(s) whose basename is \texttt{\jobname};\\
            file(s) whose extension is either \texttt{.tex} or \texttt{.log};\\
            file(s) whose name consists only of letters, followed by the 
            extension \texttt{.tex}.
That's all, folks!

