

我正在尝试使用 更改分组条形图中特定条形的外观TikZ。但我找不到任何地方如何实现我想要实现的目标。

具体来说,我有三组三个条形图,其中第一个条形图代表与其他两个条形图完全不同的东西。我想让它看起来像我在 powerpoint 中制作的以下示例:






            legend image with text/.style={
                legend image code/.code={%
                    \node[anchor=center] at (0.3cm,0cm) {#1};
            group style={
                group size=1 by 2,
                x descriptions at=edge bottom,
                y descriptions at=edge left,
                vertical sep=1.6mm, % modified
                group name=G % added
            axis lines=left, % added
            enlarge y limits=0,
            enlarge x limits=0.3,
            ylabel={\# trials},
            symbolic x coords={gHHT,gATH,gCTR},
            nodes near coords,
            nodes near coords align={vertical},
            every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
            legend style={at={(0.93,0.9)}},
        \nextgroupplot[ymin=0, ymax=50, height=6cm, width=8cm]
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,13.67) (gATH,7) (gCTR,13.5)};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,4.67) (gATH,33.6) (gCTR,38)};
        \nextgroupplot[ymin=0, ymax=23, height=6cm, width=8cm]
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,16.4) (gATH,12.3) (gCTR,0)};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,7) (gATH,6) (gCTR,0)};
            \legend{\# valid,\# failed} % added
            \addlegendimage{legend image with text=($\cdot$) \; \,}
            \addlegendentry{\# part.}
    \node [rotate=90] at (G c1r1.east) {\textit{Manual control}}; % added
    \node [rotate=90] at (G c1r2.east) {\textit{Shared control}}; % added
    \node at (1.2,2.4) {(3)};
    \node at (3.2,4) {(3)};
    \node at (5.2,4.25) {(4)};
    \node at (1.2,-0.4) {(5)};
    \node at (3.2,-01.2) {(3)};
    \node at (5.2,-3.8) {(0)};
    \draw (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east); % added 




% used PGFPlots v1.14
        % use this `compat' level or higher
        % (it is only needed for the "advanced" positioning of the axis labels)
        % create a style to hold the stuff needed for a `ycomb' in a `ybar'
        % environment
            % because the "bar cycle list" does not contain markers --> add one
            % apply the "bar shift" also here ...
            % ... and that needs correction/compensation for the `nodes near coords'
            nodes near coords style={
            % because also the `nodes near coords' need/have special labels
            % --> allow that here
            point meta=explicit symbolic,
            % unfortunately the above `xshift' also applies to the legend image
            % so this needs to be corrected again
            % --> modified default style to correct/compensate that
            my ybar legend,
        % copied `ybar legend' style from the manual
        % and modified to compensate the needed `xshift' for the `ycomb' plot
        /pgfplots/my ybar legend/.style={
            /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={
                \draw [##1,
                    bar width=3pt,
                    bar shift=0pt,
                    % compensate `xshift' of `ycomb' plot
                    % (which also is applied to the legend image)
                ] plot coordinates {(0cm,0.8em) (2*\pgfplotbarwidth,0.6em)};
        % copied from the manual and modified it, so the shift applies to *all*
        % added plots and not only bar plots
        /pgfplots/bar shift auto/.style={
            /pgf/bar shift={
                % total width = n*w + (n-1)*skip
                % -> subtract half for centering
                -0.5*(\numplots*\pgfplotbarwidth + (\numplots-1)*(#1)) +
                % the '0.5*w' is for centering
                (.5+\plotnum)*\pgfplotbarwidth + \plotnum*(#1)
            group style={
                group size=1 by 2,
                x descriptions at=edge bottom,
                y descriptions at=edge left,
                vertical sep=1.6mm,
                group name=G,
            axis lines=left,
            enlarge y limits=0,
            enlarge x limits=0.3,
            ylabel={\# trials},
            symbolic x coords={gHHT,gATH,gCTR},
            nodes near coords,
            nodes near coords align={vertical},
            every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
            legend style={at={(0.93,0.9)}},
        \nextgroupplot[ymin=0, ymax=50, height=6cm, width=8cm]
            % copied next `\addplot' command and applied style
            % also added the "custom" labels (shown by the `nodes near coords')
            \addplot+ [Ycomb]
                coordinates {(gHHT,13.67) [(3)] (gATH,7) [(3)] (gCTR,13.5) [(4)]};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,13.67) (gATH,7) (gCTR,13.5)};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,4.67) (gATH,33.6) (gCTR,38)};
        \nextgroupplot[ymin=0, ymax=23, height=6cm, width=8cm]
            % copied next `\addplot' command and applied style
            % also added the "custom" labels (shown by the `nodes near coords')
            \addplot+ [Ycomb]
                coordinates {(gHHT,16.4) [(5)] (gATH,12.3) [(3)] (gCTR,0) [(0)]};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,16.4) (gATH,12.3) (gCTR,0)};
            \addplot coordinates {(gHHT,7) (gATH,6) (gCTR,0)};

            \legend{comb,\# valid,\# failed}
%            % the following two lines caused an error, so I just commented them
%            \addlegendimage{legend image with text=($\cdot$) \; \,}
%            \addlegendentry{\# part.}

        \node [rotate=90] at (G c1r1.east) {\textit{Manual control}};
        \node [rotate=90] at (G c1r2.east) {\textit{Shared control}};

        % I enlarged the bounding box a bit at the top, so the rectangle doesn't
        % touch the arrow tip of the upper y-axis any more
        % (--> added `yshift')
        \draw (current bounding box.south west)
            rectangle ([yshift=1ex] current bounding box.north east);

